Seriously craving


Full Member
Arrghhhh I'm seriously craving... Nothing unhealthy... A piece of ryvitta but I know it is a No No! I'm only on day 8 and have found it easy so far and am loving it but tonight?? I don't know what to do with myself!! Wish I had some oatbran allowance left.. Need something crunchy.. I'm on a pp day... Maybe I'm craving because I had my first pv day yesterday ... Another thing... How much non fat dairy are we allowed in a day... I've had about 250g... I fancy eating the rest of my non fat yog... Not sure if I'm allowed?:-(
I think its 1 litre so you're only a quarter of the way there!
yup its up to a litre including you milk allowance
Make a milky coffee if u have your milk allowance, skinny latte mmmmmm
EAT the yoghurt!!! That's the beauty of Dukan you can always have something to eat!!!