2023/2024 Get to slinky again - Carnivore stylee

So that was a surprise - up a lb on a weekly weigh yesterday.

I am not sure why - but I do feel a bit more inflamed than usual. 283.6lbs 20 stone 3.6lbs 15/1/24. I went off piste yesterday - cheesy biscuits. Self sabotage. Nonetheless, today, I am at STS on 8 January at 282.6lb on 15 January. So back on track and hopefully, I will continue ticking down this week.
I'll add updates here on edit:

18 Jan - 283lbs.
19 Jan -282.2lbs
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So that was a surprise - up a lb on a weekly weigh yesterday.

I am not sure why - but I do feel a bit more inflamed than usual. 283.6lbs 20 stone 3.6lbs 15/1/24. I went off piste yesterday - cheesy biscuits. Self sabotage. Nonetheless, today, I am at STS on 8 January at 282.6lb on 15 January. So back on track and hopefully, I will continue ticking down this week.
You can do it. It’s so hard after a slip up to get back on track. I fall off wagon and then punish myself for weeks/months of bingeing- it’s bizarre! I don’t know why I’m like this. Like a massive case of f*ck-it-itis!

But this year I’m taking back control. My body, my life - only I can make the choices I need to be healthy.

Agree on the sweet front you mentioned earlier - it’s hard to have just a bit of something sweet. I will eat chocolate to the point I don’t even enjoy it anymore. Just keep shovelling it in. WHY?! Urgh should probably see a therapist about my relationship with food 😂
I think food addiction is real. A mix of psychological, gut bacteria and physical. That's where I'm finding my new regime really helps. My fails have been psychological- self sabotage whilst out food shopping.

282.2lbs this am so one pound lower than before Xmas when I was 283.2lbs. On my way again. I wonder when I'll drop the next 2.2lbs and get out of 20 stone and into the teens.
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I think food addiction is real. A mix of psychological, gut bacteria and physical. That's where I'm finding my new regime really helps. My fails have been psychological- self sabotage whilst out food shopping.

282.2lbs this am so one pound lower than before Xmas when I was 283.2lbs. On my way again. I wonder when I'll drop the next 2.2lbs and get out of 20 stone and into the teens.
Nothing quite like slipping into the new stone range is there. 2.2lbs will come off soon - you can do it!

Well done getting the Xmas weight off already- that’s a big part of the mental battle I think. So getting over that hurdle is fab for motivation
0.2lbs off today on my daily weigh....
Monday weigh in was a disappointing 283.2lbs 20 stone 3.2lbs, just 0.4lbs for the week. Today, 22/1/24, 281.8lbs making 6.2lbs off in Jan, reversing the Xmas weight gain of 4.8lb, and 1.4lbs net down from 21 Dec. Right direction.
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Saturday weigh in - 282lbs - so more or less staying the same.
Weekly weigh in Monday 281.4lbs 20 stone 1.4lbs.
314.6lbs done 33.2lbs - 2 stone 5.2bs down from 22 stone 6.6lbs 26/8/23.
Morning @AliGal , catching up on all your news
Tipp! Wonderful to see you.

280lbs - straight 20 stone this am. Maybe I can get below for the Monday weigh in...
Yep back in full of determination
Monday weigh in - down 3lbs this week despite a supermarket slip up yesterday. I am now in the teens again at 278.4lbs 19 stone 12.4 lbs. It's 2 stone 8.2bs off in 24 weeks. I would have been further ahead if I'd made different decisions at Xmas. Lesson learned? Maybe. I want to get another stone off by the end of March.

Anyhow, it's almost six months, and I can sustain carnivore eating. So onwards and downwards. I see my surgeon at the end of the month re a hip op so it's all good.
Fellow carnivore here. Stick to it. I stalled from mid-November to the just the other week. intentionally due to some blood work that frightened me. But now I've got that rectified I am back to it, and down 2 more in the last week and a half. My weight oscillates pretty wildly from day to day depending on when I eat, and how much I drink (I have kidney issues), so I don't let myself get discouraged with daily weigh-ins. I'm focused more on month to month changes.
I'm a daily weigher - and mine goes up and down. I'm Ok with that. I also track my weight weekly. This week - my Monday weekly weigh in is 1lb down.
277.4lbs 19 stone 11.4 lbs 2 stone 9.2lbs since 26/8/23.