just saw this on another part of the site and thought it might be useful LR:
1. Write it away
Next time you get a craving for a specific food, such as cheesecake, write it down in a
notebook. Recording a food thought takes it out of your head.
2. Take two bites
Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite dessert. Instead, take two bites. The first two bites
of any food always have the most flavor. After that, you’re just “feeding.”
3. Food becomes wasted
Stop feeling guilty about throwing away your kid’s other half sandwich or the leftover
food on your plate. In reality, if you eat food your body doesn’t need, it’s wasted!
4. Set tiny goals
Stick to an exercise plan by creating repeated success. Set small, achievable goals. If you
can walk for five minutes a day, then start there.
5. What do I really want to chew on?
When you crave crunchy or chewy food, think about what’s bothering you in life. Is it
finances? Kids? Deadlines? Since eating won’t change it, try to cope in some other way.
6. Instant way to stop eating
When you’ve had a bad day and start eating nonstop, go brush your teeth. If you’re not
where you can brush, eat a distinctly opposite flavor. To block a sweet taste, suck on a
lemon wedge or eat a sour pickle. To block salty or spicy triggers such as salsa, reach for
a stick of gum or strong mint candy.
7. No more cheating
It’s impossible to cheat with food. Cheating refers to something illegal or immoral, and food
is neither of these. Instead, refer to your choices. “I made a choice to eat a cookie today!”
8. Eat in the presence of others
To overcome your patterns of sneak eating, make a policy that you’ll always eat sweets
or favorite foods in the presence of at least one other person.
9. Small wins
Write down at least five things you did today that were small accomplishments. Before you
go to bed, read your list out loud and tell yourself you’re a great success.
10. No more deprivation
Instead of feeling deprived or feeling left out, ask yourself, “What does my weight deprive
me of?” Make a list of the things you’re missing out on by being overweight.
i think at least a few of these would be applicable to late night eating (no 1, 2, 5, 6, 8).
i too have that problem. i do enjoy eating whilst watching t.v with my other half at night. in a way i think ive become programmed to connect the two - i.e. watching tv at night means having a snack to go along with it. it also doesnt help that my other half normally has an ice cream or a bowl of cereale before he goes to bed either.
one way im managing to deal with it is to have my dinner a little later, normally around 7. that way there is less time for me to eat before bed! i also know that i will be able to have a snack before bed and be within my allowance so knowing that is coming helps, although sometimes it can be hard to stop myself from getting it then and there!
most of the time when i snack at night, im not really hungry, i just like it so what i do is, i have my dinner (which i make sure fills me up) then when i feel like i fancy a snack, i look at the time. if its still early then il tell myself that i can have a snack, but in half an hour or when the programme is over. that way i know i will get a snack, and i know when it will be, so i dont have to worry about it so much. also, i ask myself what i actually want. if i want something sweet or crunchy or savoury. i dont eat something because i think i should because its healthy, but because its what i want, otherwise i would eat the healthy thing then go and eat the other thing too!!
so basically my tips would be, try to have dinner later, remember that u are allowed an evening snack, dont give in to your urges straight away but dont deny them completely, and have what u like (if only a little bit of it) otherwise u will still be depriving yourself. and if all else fails then go to bed early! lol! hope that helps! sorry for long post! xx