Having a really bad week! I failed to get back on the straight and narrow after a particularly bad weekend.
The worst of it is that I feel crap, therefore you would imagine I would manage to avoid all the foods that are making me bloated, lethargic and generally bad.
I also haven’t exercised in a couple of days and my clothes feel tight. I feel like I have undone all the good work from the last 2 weeks. I need to get back on track and plan my foods. Tonight I hope to make some meals to have in the fridge and also lunch and soup for the next 2 days.
Monday planned to be “good” but didn’t’ manage it. Had white bread, brown bread and white rice! In the last 3 weeks I haven’t eaten any of these things. I didn’t get to my class (sorry Annie, I will check the next time I'm there about other classes) and I am refusing to weigh myself at home as I feel that if I see a gain it will knock me back even more:sigh:.
Yesterday, again great plans but didn’t do good. Breakfast was bacon, egg and oat scone, lunch was stuffed chicken (stuffing made with white bread), potato, veg & gravy and then yesterday evening had more chicken with some chips and a glass of wine.
Plan today is oat bread with jam, chicken salad for lunch and mince with lentils for dinner so fingers crossed I don’t give in to any of the cravings for junk/and food that doesn’t agree with me.