Shampoo/Conditioner question

ideally you should shampoo your hair, then on next turn shampoo and condition.. then shampoo only.. then shampoo and condition.

Conditioner adds to the build up that the shampoo gets rid of if used too often, however i condition every time because i feel wrong if i dont! my hair is so dry from too much heat.

However, its a complete myth that your hair gets 'used' to a shampoo/conditioner.. its you who changes, or your needs.

If your hair is naturally greasy try to run the s&c through your hair rather than rub it in, as your rubbing your sebecious glands (sp) that are under the scalp layer of skin which makes them produce more crap that makes your hair greasy.

i too find if i dont wash my hair every single day then it gets soo greasy and lank, but i have reisgned myself to tying it up every other day cos i promise you, its not good for your hair doing it every day. Everytime you wash your hair, your ridding it of the natural chemicals and moisture it needs to protect itself against dailey life styles and weather changes, this is whats semi-restored when you use good conditioner, so its important that you do use it.. but using two bottles for every shampoo really is complete over use!!!

I never used to use conditioner, even when I was dying my hair different shades of brown but I recently took the move from dark to blonde and now I need to use conditioner, I use shampoo and conditioner designed for my hair colour at the time...
I'll wash my hair every other day - if I do it every day, it goes fuzzy which is a bad look in straight
I always have 4 or 5 bottles on the go, always 1/2 price from Wilkinsons. Since I hit the meno I find my hair is finer and I like the "new shampoo" feeling you get never using the same one twice.
I have naturally curly hair, that is pretty long and dries out all the time!!! I often (like today) look like Dougal from the Magic Roundabout. I wash my hair as little as possible - no more than 2 x a week unless i am on holiday/swimming.

I use a variety of shampoos - i prefer the Dumb Blonde TIGI range, and the conditioner is awesome - but i am currently using aussie and Hebral essence...!!!!

I think the main thing to remember is to use the correct styling products - i look like a beauty counter at Boots at home - i use the following products!

TIGI Spoil me - health spray and detangler
GHD thermal protector spray (gold bottle)
GHD leave in conditioner (white bottle)
TIGI Bedhead (defrizzer)
TIGI Headrush (adds shine and smells AMAZING)
Loreal Elnett hairspray (cos i am worth it)

However on 'curly' days i use another realm of products!!!! haha! mousses and curly sprays!!!
