Shaza Diary ~ Happy new year all ~ I'm off to Ireland tomorrow wey hey

Hi Shaza
How you feeling today?

I think sometimes that friends can reach overload in their own lives and sometimes forget their friends are so important no matter what's going on, but at times we run out of the ability to give... so try not to be upset by her 'business' it could be she's not in the right place to be supportive so by avoiding she's actually supporting you both.. (if you know what I mean??)... anyway... I do hope you are feeling brighter today and that you and the dog both had some refreshing fresh air together after all and the leaves got a good kicking! lol

I don't think you realise how beautiful you are, inside and out... you always look so good and are always there with a loving comment or supportive hug...

You know, it was the tortoise not the hare that won the race... :D ;)

Much love and sunshiny thoughts xxxxxxxx
You know, it was the tortoise not the hare that won the race... :D ;)

Thanks Jennie

Had baby fin today so had a lovely day, playing in soft play and little walk to the park then bathing him. He is adorable and even though I struggle to look after him as he is a chunky monkey ah its worth it ~ just take my time and he seems to understand my slowness and is very calm around me

Feeling bit more positive spoke to my other friend about my lost friends attitude and I think you are right Jennie ~ do feel a bit rejected though but will work through it

No change diet wise had home made carrot and lentil soup today with my neice and her little one

Going to bed as sore tonight

Goodnight from the tortoise tee hee (like that comparison Jennie better than a slug !!!!)
Morning all

Just thought I would check my old weigh in card and I am now at the same weight as what i was in May. Bummer that ~ what a waste of bl..dy effort and money

I should weigh 13stone 5lb now not 18 stone 5lb. Kind of puts it all into perspective Oh. All went pear shape went I got ill and changed medication ~ not really been right since. Need to get my head around this one

Oh hubby laying laminate floor today and new fire surround just arrived ~ doesnt fit, boiler needs lifting, call to plumber AH Blah Blah Blah

Not dieting or thinking about it just mulling it over and lurking at the moment. Thought I had got my Mojo back but some bugger nicked it !!!!!!!!

Hospital in a bit for more blood tests and physio hydro therapy ~ oh now I love that its 40 degrees in the pool and I do gently exercise. Its amazing, as I get in the pool my pain level decrease dramatically with the heat of the pool ~ its like a lovely warm bath oh nice. I would like to live in it an become a mermaid in a hot hydro pool ~Oh yummy lovely nice

Love Love
Hey Shaza, if I'd stuck to it I'd be 10stone 9lbs- my 'PERFECT' weight!!! Here I am at 16st 12!!!!!! No point in looking back, we can't change what's happened, we have to look forward to what we CAN ACHIEVE NOW & IN THE FUTURE. As you're feeling so poorly you just have to be easy on yourself & try not to gain, at least it's practice for when you get to target & WE BOTH WILL!!!! XXXXXHUGSXXXXX
Wish you lived closer I'd pop round & we could have a good old moan, I know what you mean about friends but sometimes they don't see how their actions affect you. If you're in pain & sad you might be extra sensitive anyway & she just didn't 'get it' that you needed her to support you, you know I & others are here, email me if you need to, I'll 'listen'.xxxxx
ps I liked the tortoise better than the slug, hubby calls me a 'lame slug' when I'm not well, HOW VILE!!!!lol
Hi voodoo

Thanks for being a lovely virtual friend, when I am well enough and out and about more I would love to nip to heanor and meet up for coffee and a chat (or moan whatever we feel like on the day)

Update and truth on "the Friend"

I have been told by many that my "friend" was not a friend at all but just a work colleague who was using me. Shaza been the kind soul that I am and only seeing the good in people thought that was untrue. Bit naive on my part really as my "friend" has really shown her true colours and now that I am not helping her out anymore (I helped her set her new company up in fact I did all the work ~ accounts and office wise and set up all the proceedures big big job) she is just totally ignoring me. I was going to go into business with her when my old company went bust, but I am too ill and the stress of it all was just too much for me, my rhuematoid levels in my blood went sky high and I felt really really poorly. Also I felt it was a step backwards and for me and being totally selfish I left her on her own. I always put others first and worry about how my actions affect other people but you know what on this one I had to come first as my health was really really suffering. I have met her over coffee and lot of tears (I have worked with her for 15 years and classed her as a really good friend) and explained why I had to do what I did and I thought she was ok with it. Since then nothing, she will not communicate with me only very curt short texts. I feel hurt and rejected but I am letting it go and moving on, maybe we can get back the friendship another day but for now its all over.Its sad really its not nice to loose a friend but thats obviously how she wants it I can do no more only crumble and go back and help her all over again (not happening I have to stick to this one for my soul and health!!)

Anyway put that one to bed as I am refusing to be a sad sack any longer !!!! New friends are alway round the corner and this year is my year of improvement and change and I have actively been more open to making new friends ~ not life long good friends but more people around me to interact with.

Working so far ~ look how many amazing new friends I have on Minimins, friends with a common interest who are loving supportive and not judgemental ~ I thank each and every one of you for your genuine concern for the welfare of a confused fat but gorgeous old bird who is taking baby steps to a full, varied and contented life. HUGS AND THANKS

I Have also been getting up at the pub quiz that I go to every tuesday and not just mixing with my own team ~ just going and sitting with other teams and introducing myself and just saying hello. Some people dont really want to take it further but others do and I have gained 4 or 5 really nice "acquaintences" who I can have a lovely chat with. Not exchanged phone numbers yet or met outside the quiz but I am arranging a night out with a couple of the new girlies !!! Well on the way to expanding my circle of friends ~ if you just sit there being quiet and lonely thats just what you will be ~ quiet and lonely. Not Shaza ~ lifes far too short for that lark

Diet wise ~ its not happening really but watching the scales so they dont creep up. One day I will get my diet mojo back and then you will see me change physically but I need to change mentally first. (big can of worms that one to open tee hee )

Oh whose watching x factor ~ groovy, just seen an advert for I'm a celebrity get me out of here thats me hooked again. I always try and not to get into the celebrity reality shows but I very soon get hooked, at my last job we all (4 crazy ladies) used to arrive 15 mins early put kettle on and have a "big brother meeting or a Jungle gossip update. Very sad really but big giggle to start the day off !!!

Anyway enough of my rambling on a Saturday night should be out boogieing !!!

Love to all

Oh ~ had a big heart to heart with my friend and have made the peace. My hubby said ring her and talk to her and give her a chance to explain and so I took his advise and rang her. She was really lovely and apologised for being a really crappy friend and all sorted out now. Seeing her tomorrow night and I am really looking forward to it. It is always best to talk about things and get things out in the open ~ then you know for sure whats going on. I am a coward though and avoid confrontation at all costs. I am very very glad its sorted as I did not want to loose her as a friend

Oh floor nearly laid and looking very nice ~ will pay for (redundency money) and get new furniture delivered next week. New fire surround faulty and the manufacturers are being arsy about it but I am sticking to my guns and demanding a perfect one.

Diet wise ~ no change still no mojo !!!!

Hows everyone doing ????

Love Love
Good evening everyone

Just got back from pub quiz with 7 friends (new ones see my previous post on getting new friends)

Got there at 7pm had piri piri chicken meal with salad (not too bad) and big fat choc pud (very very bad) then did quiz and came second (very very very good) and won box of chocs (very very very bad cause we sat and ate them all)

Had lovely few days ~ I am now a lady who lunches oh la la. Monday ~ met friend for coffee and went to pay for new furniture for front room and arrange delivery, evening met sis at pub ~ not in bed till 1am. Tuesday ~ went to belper to see my wonderful cousin who is my reki lady and had coffee and scrummy panini ~ oh bought a really big lovely laughing buddha for my front room. You have to rub his tum and he brings you good luck and contentment. I have read on the net that the buddha picks you not the other way round and that defo happened today. Home in afternoon cooked hubby tea as he on nights and then out with mates pub quiz. Tomorrow meeting friends in tea room in Ashby in the morning and then job centre (oh not nice) in the afternoon. No plans for tomorrow night but got my diary open and ready just in case

Good night sweethearts

Love Love
Sounds as though you're having a good time. :) Lady who lunches .... very nice!

I have to admit hearing about all that food made me very hungry .... lol!

Looking forward to your next installment.

OOh Shaza, so pleased that you are getting out, does the Reiki help with your RA? Congrats on the pub quiz & WTG on getting new friends, I try but most of the mums aren't very friendly at son's school.
When are we going to Westfield??? lol Steve has a few days holiday left & needs to use them up, though no rush if you're still struggling to walk.
How was the panini? I made my mum one with grilled cheese, bacon & tomatoes on, I only pinched a tiny bit of bacon off it, though I wanted to take it all!!
Hi Shaza
Just catching up this morning...
So lovely to read about new friends and social life picking up.. but more so about the friend situation being repaired and revived... that's excellent.

Am sure the diet 'mojo' will come back one day and you'll know it.. until then just do whatever it takes to get through each day... would be lovely if you could have one of those hydropool things at home... when hubby's finished doing your laminate trot him down to me to do my loft will ya? lol

Hoping you are having a lovely autumns day xxxx
Hi Shaza Dahlink,

How are you?

I went to the new shopiing centre in Derby on Thursday on my way back to the office after a meeting. Very good indeed. I shall be going again. May be we should meet for a coffee next time?

Thinking of you ....

Hi Shaza
Just catching up this morning...
So lovely to read about new friends and social life picking up.. but more so about the friend situation being repaired and revived... that's excellent.

Am sure the diet 'mojo' will come back one day and you'll know it.. until then just do whatever it takes to get through each day... would be lovely if you could have one of those hydropool things at home... when hubby's finished doing your laminate trot him down to me to do my loft will ya? lol

Hoping you are having a lovely autumns day xxxx

Hi ya FFF

(oh by the way any thoughts on changing your name ~ it doesnt suit you in the slightest now !!!)

Thanks for popping by ~ its lovely to catch up with you ~ you would soon send my hubby back as he is very very good at DIY but as slow as a snail. It takes him ages to do a job but its done to perfection (capricorn for you !!). He would be up your loft for weeks tee hee still as long as you chuck him a pint of pedigree and the odd bit of food he would be very happy, probably bit of peace from me nagging ah he's adorable and very patient with a mixed up fat and stiff old bird that he got lumbered with ~ not quite the 15 year quiet little thing I was when we were childhood sweethearts at school.

Love Love
OOh Shaza, so pleased that you are getting out, does the Reiki help with your RA? Congrats on the pub quiz & WTG on getting new friends, I try but most of the mums aren't very friendly at son's school.
When are we going to Westfield??? lol Steve has a few days holiday left & needs to use them up, though no rush if you're still struggling to walk.
How was the panini? I made my mum one with grilled cheese, bacon & tomatoes on, I only pinched a tiny bit of bacon off it, though I wanted to take it all!!

Hi ya sharon

Thanks for popping by again ~ oh I got some dates will PM you and we will defo meet very soon at westfields ~ if I wait till I am better I will be drawing my pension tee hee

See you very very soon

#331 (permalink) cah-ching
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Hi Shaza Dahlink,

How are you?

I went to the new shopiing centre in Derby on Thursday on my way back to the office after a meeting. Very good indeed. I shall be going again. May be we should meet for a coffee next time?

Hi ya gorgeous one

Westfields is the best but I do think its aimed at young skinny birds not chubby old birds like me tee hee

Do pm me next time you around Derby as I am only around 20 mins away from centre and would love to catch up with you again. I could pm you my mobile and you could text me as I my diary gets full (mostly with hosp appointments but I am working on that one )

Love Love

Hi ya everyone

Had a letter yesterday and phone call from consultant to say that I am no longer fit for work and have been put on long term sick. My consultant said I will never work again.

Not sure what I feel about that one - am i happy or sad

What's your thought ???

love love

Hi Shaza,

Hope your ok its a dificult one isn't it but Its out of your control

Work or no work? although I would love to never work again but I would have to get a win on the Lotto to do that and then i'd probably be bored sods law, Eh.

Take care

Mandi xxxx
Yes thats what I feel like

When I was working full time would love to have "early retirement" now thatI cant work its a different matter. No choice though so just embrassing yet another change to my life !!!

Some days are long so need to find more friends to meet and chat as I am a very "people" person and love to interact with lots of folk. I love having lots of people around me ~ thats what makes me happy an content.

Hows mandi these days ~ still a poor student !!! Hows you and yours ??

Hi Shaza,

I can understand how you feel although the scenario hasn't ever presented itself to me in my world. Early retirement is about choice, enforced retirement isn't. I wouldn't say it was embarrassing though - as with all things we have to find the positives. Do you have enough money to enrol on a college/university course? I always said that if I won the lotto I'd go back to university and do my PhD (something I had scheduled in for age 27 and never got around to). It's a great way to meet people and exercise your mind.

RE: Westfield, the food shops are aimed at the porkies like me whilst the clothes shops are aimed at the skinnies. lol! I work about 10 minutes drive away from Westfields so no doubt we'll be meeting for coffees etc pretty soon.

RE: Westfield, the food shops are aimed at the porkies like me whilst the clothes shops are aimed at the skinnies. lol!

tee hee CC you make me laugh very very true though

I have looked into the university thing and went for an open day but nothing inspires me, only my art and I am half way through my art foundation course but my art is a very spiritual personal thing and I cant switch it on and off willy nilly (poor willy tee hee) I am keeping my options open and as long as I keep busy and more to the point see lots of people I am kind of adjusting. I find some days (when my hubby on 12 hour shifts mostly) very very long and the trick for me is fill my diary with something everyday

Oh my new furniture just come dark mango sheesham wood from indonisia (sorry cant seem to spell that today) got table with big fat chunky legs (like me tee hee) 6 lovely scroll back leather chairs and a small and a large sideboard cupboard thing. Small one got lovely new lamp and stereo unit on and big cupboard is going to have extremely large tv on (arriving this afternoon)

Just waiting replacement stone fireplace (first one came faulty boo hoo) and new leather suite

Oh its all exciting as me and my hubby have never had all new furniture before and we have really enjoyed putting it all together

I have also bought a really lovely buddha to greet everyone when they come into my home ~ rub his belly for good luck he is really really gorgeous and takes pride of place when you come into the new front room

Enough already ~ I think I have been watching far too many decorating/makeover programmes tee hee

ssh trying to SS again today ~ restart but not telling anyone as I keep crumbling and eating ssh dont tell a sole its just between me and you lovely lot !!!!

hi shaza
sorry about the job front
your health comes 1st though
i`m sure you`ll find things to do

your furniture sounds divine
i would love to see it all
especially the buddha :giggle:

kaz :D