Shazzabir CC Journey to 9st!

Well w/e over, had a good time though.
Managed to consume quite a few glasses of wine, but was on my hols :)
I did go for a run down the side of the river, which was very nice. Also made me feel less guilty about the wine!!
I have another photoshoot this w/e (Xmas pressie). Have not planned what to wear or anything yet !!! Might have a few runs to do to make up for the crap I have eaten lately!!! I can't believe it has come round so quickly!!
I still have my poxy cold. I sound like an old woman getting up in a morning, all croaky and coughing......nice!! Feeling much better for exercising though :)
I did pass the Jorvik centre and was really tempted to go in, but figured my daughter would be more interested in the paper used to print the ticket than the actual centre. Maybe in a few years :)
Hope everyone has had a good w/e x
Glad you had a good time..

I need to get back into exercise this week. I've really let it slip :eek:
Glad to hear you had a good weekend, hope you get rid of that pesky cold soon, it's been around long enough!
I am officially back to 100%...!!!
To prove it I went on the treadmill for over an hour and coped fine. So pleased, thought I might have to build my running back up again.
I am now properly back on plan, no more comfort food and lots of exercise.
You last few lbs had better watch out now, they are so going!!!! Maintenance here I come......!!!!!!
Shazzabir said:
I am officially back to 100%...!!!
To prove it I went on the treadmill for over an hour and coped fine. So pleased, thought I might have to build my running back up again.
I am now properly back on plan, no more comfort food and lots of exercise.
You last few lbs had better watch out now, they are so going!!!! Maintenance here I come......!!!!!!

That's brilliant shazzabir! Congratulations! Keep going! I couldn't run for a minute let alone for an hour!
You go girl! That is amazing! :D
Great news!!

Your going to be at target in no time :D
Woo glad you're feeling better and back at it fully! Those lbs will disappear in no time at all, especially with your attitude!
WI was STS, but I'm not too bothered, better than a gain. So still 5lbs to go!!
Running is going well. I did another 10k on Wednesday. I did make the mistake of trying to run last night, but my body was not quite up to it, so spent the hour doing a combo of walking and running. Today is rest day, then planning a 10k run outside on Saturday.
A big family party planned on Saturday evening. Rather than ordering takeaway I am going to be cooking. Thought a low fat curry and a lasagne as two options. I can make a portion of curry and rice for under 500 cals. Much better than pizza!!!!
Sunday is the photoshoot. I now have my outfits chosen, so looking forward to the day :)
I think doing the cooking yourself is a great idea. It's surprising how many calories you can save by cooking your own :)

That 5lbs is soon going to be history..

Enjoy your photo shoot :D
Sounds like you've got a good weekend coming up! Enjoy it!
The photoshoot is very exciting, and you will look fabulous!!

Don't worry aout those 5lbs, they will soon be long gone, especially with all that running you are doing. Well done on another 10K, that really is amazing. :)

Cooking your own food is a great option. That way you can be in complete control of what you are eating. The curry sounds delicious.
Thanks guys :)
This w/e has been sooooo busy!!!!! Can't believe it is Monday morning already!
Well my w/e was ok, party went ok, although MIL decided to buy lots of party food, despite knowing I was cooking. So my food did not get touched........was not impressed!! Needless to say it was all high cal food :-(
Photo shoot was a bit disappointing, my hair looked quite nice when they had finished styling, but when looking at the photos afterwards I looked like I had been dragged thru a hedge backwards!! I looked awful. It has knocked my confidence quite a bit too. So feeling a bit fed up :-(
I didn't find any time to go running either!

My week is also going to be busy, tonight is my only free night!! I am eating at my friends house 2moro, so the cals will b pretty high as it is a 3 course dinner!

I really must try and get a run in tonight.
I'm sure the photos weren't that bad.. We are always our own worst critics :)

I would have been mighty pee'd off if I'd done all that cooking and nobody ate it as well :(

Just lull that last 5lbs into a false sense of security and then kick it's ass :D
Littlesis is right. We all look at photos of ourselves and see a completley different person to everyone else. Honestly, I think I look like a fat man in drag!!!! I bet you looked lovely. :)

Sorry about MIL. How rude!!! I would have been fuming, but to be honest it's the kind of thing I expect from my MIL, so wouldn't have been surprised! Well done for not exploding!!!

Don't be so hard on yourself. You will get a run in at some point, you will get ants in your pants and have to make tme for it knowing you!!
Enjoy the meal at your friends tomorrow. You work so, so hard, a couple of days of plan won't hurt. :)
Aww hun. I'm sure the photos aren't that bad! But yeah, I know other people's whose didn't come out so good. They weren't too happy about it either!
Well I got my run in, so much happier now. I just love the feeling I get after exercise :)
Thanks guys, your lovely comments really are appreciated. :)
I am doing my best to forget about the photoshoot now. I am still bothered, but at the end of the day life is too short. Focus on something that truly matters.

I probably don't have a choice but to go off plan 2moro and Wed is my nephews birthday, so the dreaded pizza will be out!!! Oh well there's not a lot I can do about it. I will make up for it though, as I am planning to increase the number of runs I am doing a week. That way I will be better prepared for my next race in a few weeks and these poxy few lbs might just disappear!! Lol