Shazzabir CC Journey to 9st!

I was, but haven't put the training in, so would prefer to defer and give it my best next year, than to walk half way round this year. I don't like the thought of giving in, but I am quite competitive and would probably still try to run round, which is not good when you haven't done the training. I hate the idea of failing or giving up, but I am for once been sensible :)
Sounds like the best idea really, you wouldn't want to not do your best or even worse, get an injury.
Had a good day off yesterday. Went to the vets for Scratch's last vaccination. Just need to wait a week and then can take him out!!!
Food wise doing good, I am on my 4th day of Skinny rules. So far lost 2.25lb, so only a couple more lbs to go then back to my goal weight AGAIN!! Maintenance is not always easy, I know I should be doing it better. Things are not quite normal at the moment though, still not found the time for a run. It has been 3 weeks and I have only managed 1 short run. No wonder a few lbs have crept on, I have only just realised it has been so long. Hope I can still run 3-4 miles, it's amazing how quickly you lose your running stamina.
Well going to attempt a 30 min run this morning. I am using the treadmill instead of outside to make it a little easier and I don't want to get wet!!
My plan is to move the puppy pen upstairs next to the treadmill, hopefully Scratch will settle and go to sleep. My daughter is at nursery today, so that solves that one. I am looking forward to my run, it's always a great way to de-stress :)
Sazbirl said:
Hope you enjoyed your run, I've been on my treadmill this morning, can't wait till I can run more though instead of having to walk in-between :) x

Are you following a program? I did C25K, B210k, then followed my own plan to get to half marathon. You'll get there and will be so worth the effort when you do :)
coachnomad said:
Morning Shazz, I've had to start the B210k plan because I was struggling so much! Hope you don't have the same problem. Enjoy your run xx

Morning Claire, hope it's going ok, you'll soon be up to speed again. :)
Feeling very pleased with myself, just finished a 10k run...!!! Had only intended to do a 5k, but felt good and Scratch was settled in his crate next to me, so carried on. Just need to keep it up now. My next run is planned for Sunday, but only looking to do 4 miles. Then will look to increase to 7 miles next w/e :)
Today's plan is to go get my haircut. I am going to be brave and go short. It's quite long at the moment, so hopefully I won't regret it.
After haircut taking the dogs for a long walk. I would have liked a run, but having problems going for one with having to look after a pup and child. To get round this we are moving my treadmill downstairs. That way they can both play downstairs and I can keep an eye on them. Hopefully I can then start to get a few runs in. Frustration is building due to lack of running, so need to sort this quickly.
Food wise a bit mixed, but back on skinny rules yesterday, so should be back on track again. I always eat better when exercising, so another reason to sort the treadmill out quickly.
You will have to post a pic of your hair :)

We moved my treadmill downstairs, it's in the conservatory, because Callum cries or tries to get on it with me, so I have to do it early or late when he's in bed, and I used to rattle the floorboards upstairs ;). :) x
Ooh brave choice! Have you had it short before?
Well I had my hair cut, but was not happy with it. I asked for short, but got somewhere in between. I even took in a picture of the style I wanted. Apparrantly it was too drastic....!!!!! So going to another hairdresser this afternoon to get the cut I want.
I'm annoyed that I am now having to pay twice, but dont want to keep this style. I have had short hair before, so not sure why she was so reluctant???
Hopefully will have a photo to post later this afternoon. Wish me luck!!!!

The treadmill is now positioned downstairs, so no excuses now.............not even my new hairstyle, lol.