I am back. Have been so busy lately, have not had a great deal of spare time.
I am full of cold and have been for the last two weeks, so not been able to run at all. Now getting desperate to run a 5k, but wouldn't manage two minutes without coughing
Food wise is a bit up and down, comfort food is appearing in my food plan a lot more than it should..!!
Anyway today is the day to get back on track!
I managed a 5k run today, first run since getting that annoying cold. Was a bit concerned what my stamina would be like after a long rest, but managed 5k ok. Just need to keep it up. I need to give running much more of a priority, instead I prioritise everything else before running.
Hoping to do my next run on Tues
Struggling at the moment. I am so stressed at work!!! Coming home late and then all I want to do is crawl into bed when I get home. Just need to think its only a few weeks until the Xmas break.
Also have another house viewing at the w/e, so need to give the house a good clean.
It really is all go at the minute, lol
Hope everyone else is doing ok, will catch up real soon
Sorry to hear you're so stressed at the moment. Any particular things causing it or just everything combined? Will be Christmas before you know it and you'll get a break, for a little bit anyway!
Well my good news is we have accepted an offer on the house!!! Now in mad panic trying to sell anything not going to the new house. Making quite a bit of money, so huge bonus
Needless to say running is out the window, will probably leave it until I am moved, then start again.
We are looking at moving mid Feb
Not sure I can put the running on hold. Really needing to get a run in. I really enjoy it and it helps with stress levels. Even if I only manage a 5k once or twice a week I will still benefit.
Things are moving really quickly with the move. Solicitors even talking end of Jan!!!!