synful soul
For three years we have fed a delightful feral cat. She lives near some rubbish bins on the main road. We drive 2 kilometers every day to her. We have never brought her home because our dogs would have killed her and our gang of hooligan cats would never have accepted her. She was born were she lived. She had shelter in the bad weather and as we fed and water her she lived really happily. She was so affectionate and had a cuddle everyday. She was spayed by a local charity vet so had no of babes of her own.
This week someone else started to feed her, and three days a go she had disappeared. Yesterday all her food dishes had gone and we think it is someones way of telling us they have adopted her as we were still putting food down for her on the off chance she came back.
I am so happy for her that it looks like she now has a family and a home, but oh I do miss her and wish there was some way of knowing for sure where she is.
This week someone else started to feed her, and three days a go she had disappeared. Yesterday all her food dishes had gone and we think it is someones way of telling us they have adopted her as we were still putting food down for her on the off chance she came back.
I am so happy for her that it looks like she now has a family and a home, but oh I do miss her and wish there was some way of knowing for sure where she is.