Ha ha ha ha ha that made me chuckle. If you're happy to give up a bit or all of your milk allowance you are allowed fat free Fage Greek plain yoghurt - 100g to replace whole milk allowance for the day. But could have 50g and half milk allowance so you get a couple of cuppas too. Anyway - what I've done a few times is chop up a bar (or half) really really small and stir it into the yoghurt. Also I've added some of the lemon water flavouring and it makes it quite zingy!! The dark Truffa kinda melts and does a choccy swirl. It's very yummy!! Was just thinking of another brekkie option but does mean sacrificing milk and I know how precious a nice cuppa tea can be!!Xx
You can make really yummy pancakes from oatmeal pack. That could be an option too. M x
Helllloooooo sweetness!! Happy happy new year to u! I will be back too, from tomorrow, to give it a last bash with the help of all you lovelies!! Slimness heeeeeeeerrrrrre we commmmmmmmmmme !!!!! xx
Sounds like a lovely day planned hun. Enjoy. As tempting as the goodies are just remember that there will always be other times for extra goodies!! I use swede and butternut squash in my roast dinners instead of potatoes now. Really yummy!! Xx
Check you out em!! God im too busy being lazy sat in all day away from the cold haha it'll be dropping off you with them walks aswell!!! Xx
Ooo might need ur recipe for those!! Xxx
Omg hello you!!!! How are you lovely? Happy New Year to you too!!!!
Come on let's make 2014 our yearxxxx