Did ok yesterday as this week is supposed to be aamw I had a ws day yesterday n had a bowl of salmon with some cucumber and drunk 4l so did ok had one bar today so far and already drunk nearly 2.5l! This strawberry water makes all the difference!
Had an omlette last night not because I was hungry I just fancied one and because it's my aamw I thought it would be ok. It's my daughters birthday today so will be doing a party! I've made it through my other daughters my nieces and my nephews so far this week had a birthday party on the 1st 2nd and 3rd and stayed ok however none of them hade a huge chocolate cake! So here's to hoping I can resist!
Epic fail! Loads of egg sarnies couple of cakes and a salad! I'm not gonna let it get me down it's my second slip up in 5 weeks so I'm not gonna let it get me down n carry on from tomorrow it's also the end of my aamw so no food temptation
well as expected ketosis is gone i feel awful and im still wondering why the hell i did it! i wasnt hungry i wasnt upset i just wanted it so gave in! at least it has shown me that i still havnt vhanged my eating habits yet!