I guess everyone is suffering a BBQ today!
My partner decided to do one at home as wanted to use our new BBQ we bought for the wedding reception - we are doing cold and hot food then.
Besides the temptation since don't have BBQ all the time, is that my partner was telling me it was okay for me to have a small amount tonight to treat myself and relax.
Been feeling ill all day and drinking water has made me feel worse oddly enough. So I did think about it. But I've decided I probably won't eat the right things and will end up having to suffer to get back into ketosis all next week.
So I've said no which is hard because the kids are asking why I'm not having any food anymore and I've tried to explain it's a special pre wedding diet just so mummy looks and feels better. They just shake their heads lol.
I am so looking forward to having the BBQ at the reception now, it will taste great.
Hope everyone is enjoying their sunny evening.