Baby got Back!
Hi sherry love the avatar picci...
have a fab BH w/end, hmm at work!
Thanks Fuzz........ you too hun.
Hi sherry love the avatar picci...
have a fab BH w/end, hmm at work!
whats BGT? either way, will be thinking of ya - i'm working tomorrow and monday too but i have the late at sainsburys on monday2-7.
as for the biccies i do exactly the same! its like if i open a bag of crisps .. theyre all gone in 2 minutes whereas my friends can stretch then through a 50 minute lecture.. wtf?!![]()
ah that's meant to be hilarious!! Cant believe you didn't get BGT Rach, I too LOVE it!!! Although this weekend was not as good as some, well seeing the weirdest guy was from Glasgow! Playing the saxophone with his mouth...dear me!! lol
you really need to get out more!
hope you enjoy the vagina monologues.. i really want to see it too! *very jealous*
on the wi front, you were doing so well last week so dont let yourself get too off track - the windy mixtures aren't worth it!! x
Congrats on your loss this week Sherry,
Have a good day xx
sorry Sherry, i did post in the teams thread to congratulate you on your loss though, so do i get brownie points?
i dont know about the shoe size, but if you look on the race for life website, there is a downloadable guide on there to build yourself up from walking to running too
Hi Sherry, well done on the 1.5lbs. Some people do have problems with their toe nails when running. My friends big toe nails fell offI keep saying I'm gonna start again, but as everyone else is I think I will give it a go. x
Hiya Sherry
Sorry not been on your diary, car playing up this week, been using boyfs and staying at his hence my awol ness!!!
So.....running!!! Yeyh, way to go you!!! How exciting, you'll love it i really feel like ive achieved something when ive done a nice big run. What kinda trainers did you get?? I need to get a new pair!!! Yeh there are lots of training programmes on the net to help you get started. I've decided to do the half marathon in sept so I reckon if i can do that you can easily do the 10k in sept!!! Although i was looking at the training schedule for the half marathon and just now i should be out 4 times a week clocking up 17 milesoh dear, not likely. Went out tonight only for a 2.5miler, peeing with rain - not nice!
Oh sorry its late but well done on your loss!! I've got my wi tomorrow but think i may have put onnot been good had pizza wed and chinese last night (bad bad idea!!) Ah well never mind!!
Let me know when your first running escapade is