Shopping tips

Well I finally got around to going out to Lidl and looked at their sossies. All the ones they had in seemed to have breadcrumbs listed as the second highest ingredient?! I also didn't see any that were marked low fat/zero carb. Came away empty handed, because I can get The Black Farmer ones at my local Tesco or Somerfield and those have zero wheat content. *disappointed*
Did you find the "Milton Gate" ones LM, they are the low carb ones.
Did you find the "Milton Gate" ones LM, they are the low carb ones.

Yep those were the ones - the carb count on the back was low, but the second highest ingredient was breadcrumbs which just set alarm bells ringing.

I mean, a square of 70% chocolate is pretty low carb, but there are certain things I've come to regard as just. Not. Allowed. Surely wheat in all its forms is one of them? :confused:
I see what you are saying, but if it's 97% meat the second ingredient can be very much can it love.
I guess not Jim. I'm just being picky!

I had me Black Farmer's this morning* and they were scrummy.

I noticed at the weekend that Tesco's own brand organic mayo has no added sugar, unlike their standard mayo which has a smidgen.

Also in Tesco in the frozen section they've started doing salmon burgers which are low carb and a nice alternative to beef burgers, a good standby to have in the freezer or can be barbied.

*sounds like a euphemism...
I use the Tesco own brand Mayo, I've tried the salmon burgers but I didn't really like them, I like fish but not salmon for sor some reason, I think it's because we had a spag boll once and that was made with Salmon, I thought it had gone off tasted so strange to me.
Thought I'd bump this thread up because it's very useful.