How did you get on? I lost 1.5 lbs and got my 1 stone award.I know I shouldn't be, but I was a bit disappointed with it. I have been 100% perfect this week! and usually loose at least 2lbs. 3lbs to my club 10 now, my next award!! today's menu B: bacon and eggs S: apple L: pasta, chicken, tomato based sauce, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pepper. Melon and grapes. S: alpen light (1/2 heb) D: chippy and wine (hubby birthday, lucky it's wi night!!).
Since Saturday I've been mainly good, but enjoyed SundayI've had a cheeky peek at the scales this evening and it looks good! I need to lose 2.5lbs to get my club 10. According to the scales I should get it, but I think I have the most random scales in the world! I could stand on them tomorrow and they will show a gain of a stone! So, it's looking possible, but not guaranteed! Also, I've only got a half day in work tomorrow. I finish before midday! Fab