Should i give up diet coke?

good planage ;) xxx
Last year when i did slimmingworld i drank diet coke all day everyday and i used to get a headache if i hadnt drank it which surely isnt a good sign, Im halfway thru my first day of no diet drinks! was so tempted before in the canteen at uni tho! and i had a pound in my pocket on the way home from the bus and nearly almost went in the shop to buy one! but i remembered :)
well done hun! the hardest thing is trying not to give into the temptation! I still haven't been able to stop drinking diet coke. I struggle to go a day without it! Not good! I must make more of a concious effort to drink water instead.
Was thinking about putting the equivelant of a can of coke into a jar everytime I buy one as a reminder of how much I spend and how much crap I'm putting into my body daily! xx
aw well done 4 not giving in! thats a gd idea lemon fish face :p i too am adicted to diet fizzy drinks, an also diet red bulls..i must kick the habit soon..sometime lol xxx
The thing is it's not like they make you feel any better and they in no way help your diet! And red bull gives you quick high and then you feel worse wen you plummet! It's difficult finding interesting things to drink that aren't packed full of sugar! xx
but the high is fun while it lasts :) (i should give lectures to teengers) :p xxx
The Diet coke withdrawal headache has just come! had a cup of green tea instead.. yum.. and yeh it s such a waste as money aswell! £1.10 for a bottle when ive got a tap full of lovely water!
haha wings! aw skinnieminnie just think of the money u will save an uve done well already :) xxx
Yh ull start to see a massive difference in ur purse! It's crazy how much u spend! iv probably spent over a fiver in 3 days on diet coke!! But I cant stop! I find I get really groggy when I haven't drank any. Gonna get a glass of water now cos all this talking bout it is making me want more! x
I loose weight really slowly and even when i was at slimming world it took me 5 onths to lose a stone! and now im wondering if it was al the diet coke i was drinking, gonna see if i loose more this week by not drinking it
Yeah good idea. To be honest it really is just worth cutting it out of your life permanently! After all there's nothing real about it. It's not like it tastes like any kind of fruit. It's purely brown sweet liquid! xx
I always wonder whats in it when i look at the label, everythings just 0 or trace! haha
I drink a lot of diet coke, and it's never done me any harm, though I do drink a lot of water too!
the reason why they say it slows down you metabolism is because it's sweet, so your body expects to receive sugar and prepares for the sugar intake so it increases the insulin level in your blood.

However, I've always drank diet coke and it never did any harm to me. Better diet coke than a glass of wine or a full fat coke!
I'd love to know what coke actually is cos to be honest it never tells you!! It's almost like a can of caramelised sugar! Hmm . . .makes you wonder!
i think its pretty much bubbles and fizzy caramel stuff lol i am currently addicted to irn bru diet, its 1.99 for a pack of 6 in lidls!! mmmmmm xxx
Diet Coke contains: -Carbonated water -Caramel color -Aspartame (A sugar-replacement sweetener which is the basis of NutraSweet and Equal, and has been discovered to cause harm to the brain and nervouse system, causing anything from spasms or shooting pains, numbness, tinnitus, depression, impaired vision and mempory loss to dizzyness. Indeed, the term 'Aspartame Disease' has been coined to describe these maladies. Dangerous stuff, that.) -Phosphoric Acid (Though this is used to remove rust in a more concentrated form, there are such relatively little and more dissapated amounts in coke that there is no need to get in a tizzy about it. Though, If you are a pretty regular, heavy drinker of this, or any soda, consider using a straw, which will keep the majority of this further from your teeth, since it can cause damage to your enamel. Ew!) -Citric Acid -Potassium Benzoate (protects the taste) -Natural flavors (to give it that yummy snap.) -Caffeine (Sweet, sweet caffeine...)
All in all, Diet Coke is basically chemicle soup, and probobly something that nature never intended that any living thing consume as nourishment.

Read more: - What are the main ingredients of Diet Coke

hope this helps!!!!
very interesting thanks! xxx