Why o why do I succumb after one non slimming treat....I'm totally rubbish...
Yesterday, Friday 31 march, I had to go have my bloods done ( I've hit that certain age!!!) so I'd had to fast from my tea the night before until my appointment at 10:10 in the morning....
That was fine, had bloods, went to mums as it was her birthday, scoffed 2 digestives...she always has biscuits for my dad. We then booked for lunch at hungry horse, I had tuna melt and a couple of chips off my dad's plate (he offered, I didn't steal) then we got home ad had a birthday cupcake with coffee....here we go....then got home and had my sweet tooth on....later I had 2 crumpets with marmalade, a Turkish delight, and a eat healthy protein bar....why....I've no answer.....
Andy came home from work and both he and dan wanted pizza....I got a thin cheese from Asda and added my own ham, chicken, tomato, corn, peppers....didn't finish it thank god, then while watching Prometheus I had (weighed) 25g popcorn....shocking, I'm so crap so today I'm being pc I need a loss on Monday weigh in,