Thank you Ladies!
i have not been on for a few days but have tried to be as good as possible..and I was shocked that when I jumped on the scales yesterday I had lost a pound! ... 10.10 now and 4 weeks to go to the holiday!
ascot was amazing! Travelled down the night before with 5 of my staff. We where up and out early jumping on the 10.12 from Reading in the morning. (I have never done this before but...) started drinking on the train and continued on and off until the bars closed at about 22.30 in Ascot that night. We met some strange people (in the pubs!) c
.... A racing car driver, 2 x Australian cricket players, a wine conissour, and an international playboy! Well no-one would actually say what he did but who cares it was fun. Will try to post photos now