Gold Member
Hiya hun! Lovely to have you backAre you starting a whole new diary? I'll have ot have a hunt for it when you've started it
Dad's doing well at the moment thanks hun...they've decided not to do the radiotherapy as they're happy they got the whole of the brain tumour out cleanly (it was only 20mm), and they think the radiotherapy may cause more problems than not doing it. They're also referring him to a specialist about the tumour on the lung, although it's definitely on the outside of the lung and it's quite small. They also reckon it's probably been there a long time, so it's probably quite slow growing. All in all, things are pretty positive!
My aunt and I have been plotting about what to do to celebrate my mum and dad's ruby wedding anniversary in January. We're going to book a surprise meal out for all of us, and my aunty's going to make and decorate a cake for them (she makes lovely cakes...she did the one for my brother's wedding in August!), and that's as far as we've got, lol! I'm going to get them some ruby glassware I think, to go with the themexx
Yes Hun will start a brand spanking new one !!!
Have noticed you changed the title off yours good idea !!!
Glad to hear the news on your dad that's really positive !!
That all sounds lovely for your mum & dad especially after everything you've been through !! X