Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Oh no! What a rubbish week :( Hope it perks up soon xxx

Had a similar thing in my car last year - boyfriend skidded on black ice and hit the kerb - £3,500 worth of damage!
Re: Sian's restart diary - changing to monthly weighing. Fingers crossed!

Morning all! I'm just reporting in quickly with my monthly loss...2lb. I know it's rubbish, but after the awful beginning to the week my food just went completely to pot, so I must have gained a couple of pound this week. Never mind, at least it's a loss! Xx
Morning all! I'm just reporting in quickly with my monthly loss...2lb. I know it's rubbish, but after the awful beginning to the week my food just went completely to pot, so I must have gained a couple of pound this week. Never mind, at least it's a loss! Xx

A loss is a loss Sian well done Hun I think that's brill Xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - changing to monthly weighing. Fingers crossed!

Afternoon lovelies! Forgive me for I have synned...and synned and synned! Oops! Definitely fallen off the wagon this past couple of weeks! It's our Christmas do tonight as well so not much hope of climbing back on until after that, lol!

My absence may have something to do with the fact that I've started seeing somebody!!!! :D He's lovely, and kind and really thoughtful, and treats me like a lady. The only slight fly in the ointment is that he's 50, so there's a huge age gap. He doesn't act 50 though, and I don't act like a nearly 29 year old, so we'll just see how it goes. At the moment, he makes me really happy, so I've got to give the relationship a chance. It's not like I'm looking to get married or have kids any time in the near future, so age shouldn't really be an issue.

Hope you're all well, and I hope to catch up on all your diaries over the weekend while I'm recovering, haha! :D xxx
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Re: Sian's restart diary - changing to monthly weighing. Fingers crossed!

Thanks hun. I know that it probably won't be a long term relationship (my parents would freak out if I told them!), but I'm really happy at the moment, and after the last few months as a family I think I deserve a little bit of happiness :) xx