Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D
Hugs hunny.
You definitely need to say something. What she is is just a bully. Nothing more and nothing less. Tell people what she's doing, let them deal with it and move on.
There's no way that as an adult you should be made to feel that you don't ever want to go into somewhere again, and like you said, I'm sure the owners of the pub would be none too pleased xx
Hope you're feeling ok today xx
Hiya hun. Yeah, I'm feeling ok today. Still feel a bit upset about it, but that'll soon pass. I know she's a bully, and doing the job I do I abhor bullying, but when you're an adult it always seems like you should be able to just suck it up and get on with it. I may well have a word with the landlady, perhaps she'll be able to get her to wind her neck in. I doubt it, but there's always hope!
Anyway, today's a new day, and a beautiful one at that! I have plenty to keep me busy and not down in the dumps!
That's awful gun hope your ok

Sending you a million hugs some people are just vile !!!
Hiya hun. Thankyou! I'm feeling ok today pretty much. I think it was mostly the shock of it as I always try to be nice to people, and as I am shy and socially awkward that's a big deal for me. Anyway, I'm not going to let that poisonous cow affect me any more. I just think it's a shame that people will treat others like that!
Firstly - what a b!tch.
Secondly - pay absolutely no attention to her venomous words. You are not unattractive, you do not look how she described you and you are not fat.
Thirdly - that 'woman' clearly has her own insecurities and issues and has taken a low blow by passing off insults to others to make herself feel better.
You need to pick yourself back up and dust yourself down. Think of all the positives in you and your life. People who degrade others are spiteful and nasty. The people who care for you in life matter, those who don't need to jog on.
Hope you feel better soon sweetie xxx
Morning hun! Thankyou for your kind and wise words

As I said above, I think it was mainly the shock of it that caused me to get so upset, as I try so hard to firstly be nice to people, and secondly not to draw attention to myself in social situations.
Consider me picked up and dusted down! I know that I've come a long way, and I still have a way to go. I will get there eventually, but she'll always be a poisonous cow! At least I don't have that on my conscience!
As Mrs S said, she's just a bully, and the best thing to do with them is not to let them get to you. Mind you, if it wasn't for the fact that I'd lose my career as a teacher I'd happily hammer her!

Tee hee!