I did a very drastic thing this week, didn't want to say anything (superstitious) as I thought if I did it might jinx it but I took a chance and it's paid off (well we'll see if it really does but fingers crossed for now it's got the desired result).
Me and Mal and all my kids gave up smoking on 19th March 2010 (me after 45 years nearly and was on 50+ ciggies day at the end), the only ones still not smoking are me and Kelly daughter no:1.
Mal, Kirsty and Mark have all tried time and again and I know how hard it is but I also know the damage they do (the last 8 years I smoked I had bronchitis from October to April/May the following year, every year) and so I want them all to give up, and also because to be honest I really can't stand the smell, it's the most revolting thing I have ever smelt in my life and I totally apologise to anyone that I inflicted that smell upon in the past. There are other reasons why I want them to give up, like my granddaughter is an acute asthmatic, she is constantly in hospital on the high dependency unit because of it, but these episodes seem to have dwindled a lot since her mum and I gave up (it has been proven that even when you smoke outside the house and away from everyone, the second you come back and are in the same room as them again after having a smoke you will emit carbom monoxide fumes for a further 20-30 minutes after), so even though they don't smoke in the house or around my granddaughter, the very fact that they are then in the same room as her within a few minutes means they may just have smoked around her in the first place.
But the main reason I want Mal especially to give up is the awful hacking cough and how he struggles to breath with even a small amount of exertion. This is constant, morning,noon and through the night and he keeps promising to try and give up and then either doesn't bother, or gives up and then buys ciggies or bacca and hides them from me thinking I won't smell it on him, or just doesn't bother to even try. Well I got really fed up with the lack of trying, Mal can be like that with everything if left to get away with it, so I told him last week for as long as he doesn't try then i am not going to try and lose weight, I will eat what I want and won't give a damn cos if he can kill himself smoking I can do the same eating...I really believe he didn't think I would do it, so this week I did, it was the most disgusting thing i have ever done, it's made me feel really sick and bloated, but it has finally worked, phew, he smoked his last ciggie today and says he will try if I go back to my weight loss plan...

not sure I could have stuck it out any longer so I am even more happy now and I really can't wait to get back on plan and lose the excess weight gained and loads more, I just hope I don't have to resort to such drastic tactics again, but I was at my wits end and just did the 1st thing that came into my head

:bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx