Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hello Lovely Lily xx
Just had to say that you look younger now than you did in 1999!! :D
Go you x x
Aw Lily I got all chocked up just reading about your lovely dog and cat :-(
I have to agree you look decades younger than you did in 1999 your skin looks much better and you look so much healthier :)
Hope you are having a lovely day

Big HUgs
Hi everyone and thanks for the lovely comments, I can't believe how Ill I looked in that photo:eek: and funnily enough I remember that day clearly it was the first time Kelsi had come to stay with us overnight (mum and dad were very over protective, they changed a lot after :giggle:) and I thought I was healthy-ish
Having a busy day today, we have a work rota at home, my day for the bigger chores today so busy busy and then got neighbours son coming thru at 3.30, just stopped for a quick lunch and catch up, will be back later to have a good read.
Have a lovely positve day all :bighug: xxxx

Oh shouldn't have but couldn't resist, old habits die hard and I am 2lb down, hope that's a good sign for tuesday lol xxxx
Hello Lovely Lily xx
Just had to say that you look younger now than you did in 1999!! :D
Go you x x

Aw Lily I got all chocked up just reading about your lovely dog and cat :-(
I have to agree you look decades younger than you did in 1999 your skin looks much better and you look so much healthier :)
Hope you are having a lovely day

Big HUgs

My thoughts exactly:D

I want to thanks you for all the inspiration you've given me while I've been your unannounced cyber stalker (couple of months now.) Finally got minimins to activate me manually as home internet cream crackered. Can only dip in a bit from work and although I have set up my own diary I still tend to stalk other's diaries more then post in my own. Old habits!!

Thanks again for the inspiration. BTW I'm not a believer but your comments about your brother made me think of the old quote "maybe there is a God" Tee Hee:)
Great pics! You look a lot fresher in your avatar though :) hope youve had a great day. I've not had time to pick my nose lol let alone spend much time on here sadly.
Hi Lily, just popping in to say hi and read your positives. :bighug:you know it makes my day feel happier, but I can't find them, love the photos xx
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Hey everyone, finally I get 5 minutes to myself.....Just as I finished the exercise with my neighbours son (we had such a laugh, he's never done just dance and for 2 hours I nearly peed myself, but boy did we work it lol), when there was a knock on the door and a friend we don't see often was standing there, he has a new job delivering cars and was in the area so popped in, he lives in Aberfan and being as we are always busy or he is, we see each other once or twice every few years, mostly we talk on the internet or by phone, but naughty boy didn't tell us he was up this way, so we have been catching up.
His first words to me were, bloody hell girl you've lost some poundage by the time I'm back up here in 6-7 months you'll be down to about 15st then...Jim has never known me under about 18st, so I am determined to be that 15st (or a lot less) by the time he arrives next time. It was so lovely to see him again now back to my business lol and my Positives for today, (Sorry Jane, I haven't done them yet :hug99:) xxx

1) Was woken by my Prince Charming with a lovely kiss
2) we started the new housework rota's this week and I completed mine with ease, not been able to do that for yonks :D
3) Did a 3 hour workout today, sweated buckets and feel fabulous :D
4) Had a surprise visit from a long time friend that we don't see often :D:D
5) Had a chinese take away for dinner and I stopped eating when I was full, had a little bit of everything yum yum xxx
My thoughts exactly:D

I want to thanks you for all the inspiration you've given me while I've been your unannounced cyber stalker (couple of months now.) Finally got minimins to activate me manually as home internet cream crackered. Can only dip in a bit from work and although I have set up my own diary I still tend to stalk other's diaries more then post in my own. Old habits!!

Thanks again for the inspiration. BTW I'm not a believer but your comments about your brother made me think of the old quote "maybe there is a God" Tee Hee:)

Hi Patsy,
When I have 5 minutes to breath I will come find your diary and have a sneaky read :giggle:
I love that, I'm not a believer as in I go to church, just believe there is something a little more powerful than us...if that's what people call God then so be it, but love your quote anyways cos it's very apt :8855: xxx

Great pics! You look a lot fresher in your avatar though :) hope youve had a great day. I've not had time to pick my nose lol let alone spend much time on here sadly.

Hey Kath, that makes 2 of us, it's just gone 10pm and it's the first chance I've had of getting anywhere near here lol xxx

Hi Lily, just popping in to say hi and read your positives. :bighug:you know it makes my day feel happier, but I can't find them, love the photos xx

Sorry sweetie, it's the 1st chance I've had to get on here today, but I was thinking them all day :giggle: xxxx
loving the positives :D

have visions of you all sweaty from your workout answering the door to your friend:eek::eek::eek:

I love friends like that who can just turn up and it's like you saw them yesterday.

I can see that 15 st on the horizon for you lily and in the not too distant future aswell you know you can do it

have a good evening honey xxx
loving the positives :D

have visions of you all sweaty from your workout answering the door to your friend:eek::eek::eek:

I love friends like that who can just turn up and it's like you saw them yesterday.

I can see that 15 st on the horizon for you lily and in the not too distant future aswell you know you can do it

have a good evening honey xxx

Hi hun,
I love seeing Jim, bless him he had a very similar childhood to me, only he ended up in care and was abused there...the case made the national news a few years ago.
He is as mad as a box of crackers :8855: but such a sweet guy, he doesn't let many people see the real him, he hides behind his humour which most people don't understand, Mal included, but I do and I get to see the real him from time to time, he is a kind thoughtful person and his son adores him cos he's a great Dad. We aren't related but my kids have known him most of their lives, Kelly was 11 and Kirsty was 18 months old and they have always called him Uncle Jim...Kirsty came in from work tonight and ran straight over, sat on his lap and gave him a huge cuddle and she's almost 23...It's really made me feel happy seing him and seeing that he's doing ok and is happy too xxxx
Hi Lily,

I have just been doing my weekly diary catch up! (I have been awake since 5am!)

Maybe I should wake at that time each morning, then I could be a good Minimin and keep up with everyone's diarys! Lol

I LOVED the pics of your daughter and your pic from the 90's! You do look soooo much younger now! Your daughters must be so proud of you!

Also loved the pic of your J-Lo Bum!! Wiggle wiggle wiggle!! :)

Have a lovely Friday and a great weekend with your family! :) xxx
Hello lovelies, I am gonna have to catch up with you all tomorrow or over the weekend, got another fun filled packed day today so no time.
My daughters friend is trying to cook her mums birthday cake for tomorrow, has no tins hasn't a clue how to do it and very little money but it's her mum's 60th and she is flying in from Miami for a party tomorrow night, so was asked very sweetly if I could make the cake I made Kelly's and Kirsty's for their 30th and 21st birthdays, bit of short notice but I can do it, but will take me all day and half the night to do it lol
So just going to put up positives and menu today and catch you all tomorrow :bighug: love ya all xxxx


Here is the picture of Kelly's cake that I made and Kirsty's was the same as this but in Pink and different cake topper (can't find the pic right now, too many to go through lol)