Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

My favourite subject too...pain in the butt having O and A levels sometimes, I'm no teacher and Kelly has the patience of a gnat at times, oh and the brain capacity of one when it comes to percentages and fractions and as for teaching her compound interest ...jeez...4 hours before she finally got it, she takes her exam in about 3 weeks, so we are cramming, she is great when it comes to Algebra and most other maths come to that, but percentages and fractions are way beyond her, she does them but she takes so long working them out and I have tried teaching her easier ways but again her stubborness kicks in .....she did 4 practice papers and got between 35/40 and 38/40 which is great, 87.5%-95% is a good average and a great pass, but she's like me, wants to be 100% lol...god help me over the next 3 weeks cos I know she'll be calling me again lol xxx

:8855: i always want 100% too. that's what i'm doing with OU at mo - and boy does it make A-levels seem easy! Good luck keeping your sanity!I'm sure she'll do great. Have a great day :hug99:
Awwwwww she's so sweet Lily :D

Eek, even less to go, is she still in the lead this morning?

Hope you have a good day xxx
Voted xxxxx

maths :eek::eek::confused: both my kids are good at maths, daughter has A level maths and son is on track for at least a B in his next month Matts math stuff always seems to be more about letters than numbers and totally confuses me :sigh:

have a lovely day xxxx
Just a quick one lily. Hope you're feeling better today. Posted books yesterday so let me know you get them ok x
Good morning my lovely twin and how are you today :D :bighug: Hope Kelsi does well shes most certainly a talented young lady :D

I have my nose in that fabby recipe book you sent me today. So much goodness I am spoilt for choice :giggle: So many I want to make :D

Afternoon LL (Lovely Lily). Very exciting re Kelsi's comp. Hope she aces it! So did you listen to the cold cure then, and has it worked as you said you're feeling better??? (I have yet to try it!). Even tho' I though I'd kept up with your diary I missed the biot about Aquafit :d'oh:. I would just like to randomly say that I am sitting here with a cuppa made with a 28p Tesco's own brand and it is yacky. :(. Don't anyone try them - they are HORRIBLE :sign0137::9529:. Normal service now resumed :bighug: xxxxxx
Hi Lily, just saying hello and hope you OK .....................its very quiet from you !!
Hi Lily, starting to worry now as it really isn't like you not to be around.................hope you and your family are all OK :) xx
Wow! not been on computer for 2 whole days, and didn't need to do much catching up! What's going on? Morning Lily, hope everything's ok?! :hug99: