Well done on your amazing weight loss! Fantastic 
Lily42uk said:Yeah I know Roziee, but I make sure I have a pint of water with every meal and then I exercise an 1-2 hours in the morning and have usually 1-2 pints then and I again exercise in the evening and again 1-2 pints then and I always take a pint of water to bed and I only have 1 coffee first thing in the morning and the rest of the day I drink water, it soon adds up lol x
Lily42uk said:Not feeling to bright today, youngest daughter has a lung infection and I am pretty sure I have come down with it too, got a streaming cold and now my lungs are hurting bad, so I am back to bed for the day, don't really feel that much like eating so had a boiled egg this morning and a few strawberries, not like me I am a hearty breakfast kind of person. Really hope this goes away quickly, it's my birthday tomorrow and my whole family and some friends are coming over gonna be awful if I end up spending the day in bed
I think DH is cooking S/W Shepherds Pie today which is syn free and if I feel up to it, I will have some soup for lunch....well I am off to try and sweat this thing out, have a great day xxx
Lily42uk said:Feeling a lot better, other than a terrible tickly cough and a blinding headache, the sleep did me good,had a few bits of fruit and a bowl of soup for lunch. DH just cooked Shepherds pie, was really nice especially as he topped it with celeriac and butternut squash mashed into some potatoes with chicken stock, very tasty, was full of veg too, really full from it. Bless him he's even cut up a load of veg, carrots, celery, cucumber, and peppers with sweet piccolo tomatoes and put them in the fridge for me to munch on later if I feel peckish.
So today with my coffeemate and the extra gravy he made up with dinner I have had 2 syns, but I have to add 1 syn for the cough sweets I am sucking on, so that actually takes it up to 8 syns for the day so far...I am going to try and keep away from the suckies but it's hard when it's so tickly, may wellput on Tuesday as I was sucking them through the night last night and I actually lost count but I reckon if I stabbed at about 8 I would be close ...oh well can't be helped, have managed to do an hours exercise today although it wasn't as strenuous as usual, hopefully that will stop me putting on too much. Still will wait and see what the scales say Tuesday. Catch you later xx