side effects


New Member
I've been using SF, sometimes the tesco version, have just bought the asda version, although its not that nice, and I only have it for lunch, I like my bowl of fruit and fiber for breakfast. Its working ok for me, I'm not that strict and loosing about 1lb a week, which is fine for me for now.
But the thing I've found is that it gives me a bit of a windy problem, a very smelly windy problem.
Any one else found that, or better still found something that helps?
yes it gives me this problem too, especially in the first week or so. im into my third week and it seems to have died down now, but i still get a gurgly tummy with it and sometimes have to run to the loo. you just need to stick it out coz the worst of it will pass. i am using the ultra slim from tesco, and find it better than the slim fast, found that made my tummy very very bubbly indeed!

also good luck on your journey :)
Some folks find this MrsWilsoncroft, but others - like me - find it has the opposite effect and bungs them up!!
It's quite strange actually as the ready made give me a rumbly tummy and make me a bit lose, but the powder bungs me up. I have noticed that the ready made are far thicker than the powder shakes too - I wonder if it's something to do with the thickener they are using in the ready made ones?