aw poor you hope your shoulder gets better for you again. i have just woken up fell asleep with my little one don't know where the hell i'am iam knackered again today. no didn't get the atkins bars as they didn't have any in my tesco will get them in tesco extra the weekend,the atkins endulge bars are lovely crispy milk chocolate, and really thick yum yum, they are 1,5g sugar, 141 cals, and only 1,8g net carbs. give them a go. cause they didn't have any i picked up tesco ultra slim meal replacement bars crispy chocolate they don't look as nice as the atkins ones though, but will give them a go.but they have more cals and carbs. i'm off to pick my son up from my mothers as she got him from school today for me, then get ready for work don't want to go in as i feel like crap. how's the diet going today? i have done really well but stomach is really grumbly.hope you are okay sig, will post when i get home from work. take care x