There is a sub forum here on the ww forum on minimins, which is got everything you would need including the full simply filling food list, recipes etc..
Basically it is a plan which involves no weighing or counting PP constantly. You can have as much healthy and filling foods as you want these are highlighted in green in your small purple pocket guide and as I said in the simply filling forum there is a thread which has this list too. The list includes things like crumpets, calorie controlled bread, ww bread products, baked beans, bacon medallions, eggs, alot of meat, potatoes, wholemeal rice, pasta, cous cous, all fruit and veg, passata, extra lean steak mince, fish etc etc.
As said you don't have to count these foods nor weigh them out. It is best really for, I think who have come off pro points and are already aware of portion control. So you can have as much brown rice, pasta etc as you want.
Anything else you want which isn't on the list if it be gravy granules, or a packet of still have your 49 weeklies to cover that. So you just take them from your weeklies.
You also have to have 2 tsp of oil a day
Any other questions ask away or check out the simply filling forum where alot of girls have diaries etc