Sims 2 & 3, WoW..Dash games...Any Game fans?

I am a gamer too, i love the sims, i play the sims 3 plus all the expansions. well i say i used to lol so laggy until they release a patch. i also play my shops on facebook
Omg!!!! I have found the perfect thread, this one right here!!!!! I love the Sims!!! I've played the sims 2 and 3 and we have 3 at home and the sims 3 ambitions. Ahhh!!! :-D
I love The Sims 2! I'm addicted to downloading custom content, and these days it's tough to actually play the game as it keeps freezing/crashing. Time to whittle down my downloads folder, I guess! I've not been able to play The Sims 3 as my computer can't handle it, but it's probably just as well...I don't need another obsession!
I'm a massive Sims fan, having PLayed all of them (sims 1, 2 and 3) being honest though, Sims 2 would be my fave, more free rein on the creative side for custom contents. Excited about the new pets expansion on October should be good xx
I am a Sims fan, but haven't played any of them for a while. My last I bought for my Xox 360 and was disappointed with it (Sims 3) so I sold it a couple of weeks later. I rarely play on my Xbox anymore and when I do it's mainly COD games :eek:, currently Black Ops until the new one comes out in November. I never talk on the mic though, because once other players hear I'm female I just get childish comments or friend requests.
Luv2BSlim said:
I am a Sims fan, but haven't played any of them for a while. My last I bought for my Xox 360 and was disappointed with it (Sims 3) so I sold it a couple of weeks later. I rarely play on my Xbox anymore and when I do it's mainly COD games :eek:, currently Black Ops until the new one comes out in November. I never talk on the mic though, because once other players hear I'm female I just get childish comments or friend requests.

Yeai know what is that? Lol my name on there is the same as on here and i got this very tude and offensive message off ofthis guy once and he threatened to hack me and all that.. Pissed meoff at first but then i was like know what i dont care and changed my clan tag even to chic lol He ws just made cause i whooped all their butts at one in the chamber.. Guys just cant take it from a girl cause they know we are better lol
I love Sims 3, I haven't had time to play it for a while but me and my daughter are patiently waiting for the pets expansion pack to come out next month.

I also love zelda (waiting for the new game out in November)
I'm a girl gamer also :) I've played various consoles for as long as I can remember - I only really play xbox atm with the occasional few hours on WoW. I adore all the sims games also! ^_^

I do feel I need to say that it can be annoying when people call themselves a gamer when all they do is play the odd computer game here and there :p Being a gamer used to be classed as something nerdy but now it's become cool to call yourself one and it gets thrown about a lot haha.
Gamergirl here, :) Favourite games being the Resident evil series, i love survival horror and games like c.o.d etc etc. :) Xb360 being my console of choice after getting bored with my ps3;.
Gamergirl here, :) Favourite games being the Resident evil series, i love survival horror and games like c.o.d etc etc. :) Xb360 being my console of choice after getting bored with my ps3;.

Vicki!!! How random to find one of my best mates on here haha, how did we not know we were both members?! Gamer girl love <3
Girl gamer too ;) Name on here is my WoW name (85 draenei mage) + priest and prot pala :DD

Sad but some of the best times ive ever had are on that game, raided to a very very high level.

Absolutely had to quit.

Have promised myslef will one day go back when my head is in order, I can get my priorities right and lose some bloody weight.

But yes...For the alliance!

(ilevel 400 fire mage lfg s.w.) omg though, id totally go back and roll a level one if you wanted to make a minimims guild? lol

What server were you lot on? Blades edge and Dragonblight here.
Nooo, for the Horde! :p I'm on The Venture Co :)
See, give me any other game and I could probably smash it, but WoW confuses the life outta me.
See, give me any other game and I could probably smash it, but WoW confuses the life outta me.

That's so weird, you play pretty much everything yet can't play WoW? I'll teach you :D
I am posting on a dead thread, but:
I am a huge gamer :) I play all types of game genres. Currently I am hooked onto the Sims 3, my OH bought me the pets expansion and I love it. I am close to completing Deus Ex: Human Revolution too. I've also recently played:
Bastion, Orcs must die, Dungeon Defenders, Modern Warfare 3.. the list could go on forever :D I am also a huge fan of the Half Life series
Just discovered this thread :) I'm a bit of a gaming addict :p I'll play most things :p Mainly playing Minecraft at the moment with a little bit of Sims 3 (been playing Sims since the first one and used to play a lot more but have been getting bored of Sims 3 easily recently) If there is anyone out there who can recommend a good small multi-player Minecraft server, let me know ;) I also love Half Life :D Did try WoW once but didn't get into it. Was bought Skyrim by a friend a little while ago and I have been trying to get into that but find the controls awkward :( Thinking about getting an Xbox controller to see if it is easier to play as it seems like the game was really designed for console :p

Although I'm mainly a PC gamer I do love Baldur's Gate 1+2 and a bit of GTA on PS2 :D Keep wondering about saving for a 360 or PS3 but never do as I know I wouldn't be able to decide between the two when it came to it :p

Hope there are still some gamers around reading this thread :cool:
I play games far too much. I only play WoW on my laptop and I'm a bit of an addict. My PS3 is only for Blu-rays and my Xbox is on almost every night between 11pm-2am. Until the new Ghost Recon game comes out the Xbox will pretty much be playing FIFA with a sprinkling of Forza and FFXIII-2.

I love the social side of gaming and have a few real life friends through meeting them online. It's funny because when we meet up we still call each other by our GamerTags - luckily none of us have anything *too* geeky! :D
I love the social side of gaming and have a few real life friends through meeting them online. It's funny because when we meet up we still call each other by our GamerTags - luckily none of us have anything *too* geeky! :D

Me too :) I have quite a few good friends who I have met online through games :) I have met up with quite a few of the UK ones but a lot of them live in the US (would love to go and meet them). I mostly get called Ducky by them after my normal gaming username :p
I love the social side of gaming and have a few real life friends through meeting them online. It's funny because when we meet up we still call each other by our GamerTags - luckily none of us have anything *too* geeky! :D

I agree, I have met some amazing people on video games. Met up with my guild last year, that was proper awesome :p
Let's bring this thread back to life!! I'm a gamer- mostly WoW these days (my WoW blog is in my signature), but also Eve Online, Resident Evil series & all The Sims (I cried when my first two characters died in The Sims 2 - this was before I had discovered the elixir of life. I kept them as ghosts for awhile but they seemed quite angry as spirits).