Re: Sinéad's Weight Loss Journey....
Hey hon
Trying to catch up.
So-love your plates-monsoon ya? I have a different design of there's. Love them. But ya the mains plate it huge!
Your weekend sounds fab. Are u just tagging along two ICA tour then? My mam is always off with them. And she does alot of exercise classes with them. I go along to them if I'm home. They're doing circuit training at mo!
If you're driving to urlingford-cheap petrol! Stock up! Tho not sure how athy or kilkenny fair in general but check it out.

Titanic exhibition will be brill. I've gone to the one in Cobh which is really good aswel.
Garth Brooks-absolutely! I will miss anything and pay anything to see him. A few of us want to go so we've said we'd take turns camping outside ticket office for a week if we had to-and I've never done that. So u can get in on that action if u want.
You def have to try the pizzas with wraps-yum!

such good value!
Didn't realise u worked in barbican. My sister lived just behind there when she lived in London. I know she loves Manchester but I miss visiting her in London!
As for dinner sat nite-I'd go melon or smoked salmon followed by salmon for mains. Don't think id fit a dessert in...
And finally.... pans... my frying pans are from aldi! And ie swear by them. All the things yere saying bout not needing much oil on yers and easy to clean etc-same! Love it! It has to be the heavier brand ones-the cheap ones that they also do from time to time are *****.
OK-all caught up-your turning into Serena with the posts.

Hehe. Nite. x