Siobhan's 20 day BOOT CAMP! :whacky068:

Hows the refeed going areyou enjoying your food??.
Hope you have a wonderfull time in holland.
Which part of holland are you going too.I lived there for three years when the children were younger.Very friendly people and great for cycling (no hills) LOL.
Hey Cathy, great to hear from you. Holland is going to be amazing. Going to Eindhoven but I think we're going to get the train to Amsterdam for a day too.
Re-feed is going very well thanks, I haven't really weighed but getting a lot less cramp in the gym and feel like I can train a bit harder now. Very sore today from Friday & Saturday specially cause I've been using my slendertone belt a lot too on the stomach muscles.
How is Atkins going??
Dresses for Holland

So nervous never worn anything like either of these in my life!


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Hi Siobhi
My computer has been ill .It blue screened on me.So I had to wait untill OH camehome to fix it.He has reformatted it or something like that LOL.
Atkins is going well,I just feel I am being really naughty eating so much fat, so hoping the scales will be kind tomorrow.My trousers are really loose on me now I can take them off without undoing the buttons or the zip.
You will have a great time in Holland we lived closeto Amsterdam in a place called Leidschendam.
Take care and dont overdo things,you will need to be fit for your trip.
Yeah I'm just finished refeed week now and I intend to add in the things I need as I need them because I'm training for 10k race in september and a half marathon in October I can't wait!
Yeah I think i'd like to live there sometime for a while - the lifestyle is so positive and relaxed I'd love it!!
I havent seen my university friends all summer either so its goina be a major shock when I see them at the end of September! If I can do it you'll definitely by in your VB 12 for the wedding hon and you'll look FAB
Your goina be stunning!
Happy Monday, Arms are in serious pain I'm afraid. Who knew triceps dips were that dangerous!
Missing Rowing training all week due to the exam pressures and Holland on Friday. Its a heart breaker for me but ya know priorities and all that. I'll definitely get in a few nights next week though. Just need to get through these 4 days and all will be very well he he he he he he
Oh yes, cannot wait. David has my favorite wine already got for arrival - what a legend! I bet they will have gone down by tomorrow darling, I know I'm going to stop weighing myself so often. Every 2 weeks now when I'm doing my own thing cause you change so much morning to evening I'm just messing with my own head lol. Very best of luck tomorrow though be thinking of ya xx
I think I'm in shock, rowing is cancelled for 3 weeks my boat is broken! Its good timing in a way with the exams but oh my gosh I feel so empty ha ha ha ha :character00117:

So in work early today, leaving early for a hair cut and physio on my knee. Very determined to get some work done today though would love to have something to show for myself before I leave on Thursday.

Have a really nice morning everyone hope excellent things happen.
Not long now - and those dresses are stunning! How long are you staying for? You'll knock him out ;)
Awwww thank you doll, really needed that!! Just for 3 days have my exam then on Wednesday when I come back which I didn't tell him about cause I know he wouldn't have let me go then and hes not off again till the end of September.
I don't think I've lost anything this week feeling really heavy and I can't shake it off but ya never know till ya get weighed really.
Your doing great - 12 lbs gone already. Have to say its made shopping a pleasure - going into a shop and coming out with my confidence even higher is something I'd completely forgotten about - I avoided shopping for clothes by all possible means because I couldn't bare picking up the sizes and admitting I was that overweight! There's surprises in everything hahahahahaha

Thanks again hon
One of the greatest days of all time

Today might just be one of the top 10 of my life. As of 4 pm I am on holidays, and going to see the Man of Dreams tomorrow in Holland. I came to work this morning (I'm an Intern) to be told that I'll be offered a full-time position with them on Graduation. I could possibly explode right now in my chair. Plus I'm the thinnest I've been for 2 years.

Sometimes life is so delicious - who needs food!
That's more than brilliant, it's... er... Fabulous.

Have an amazing time looking smokin' in Holland with your super-man-of-dreams and don't do anything we wouldn't... :rolleyes:
Which, knowing Clee, doesn't leave a lot ;)

Have fun - as if we need to tell you that...! (And congrats on the job - very exciting!)
Congratulations Siobhi! Hope you have a wonderful weekend break in Holland :)
Awwwwh Thank you Liz xxx


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