Food mentioned
Yesterday i had an almighty headache, got home and had a bit of a blip and felt mega guilty.
My other half was due to be home by half four so i left work in time to be home the same time. When i got home i had a voicemail saying he had been called out so wouldnt be in till 8
Me being me got all emotional about it as i was looking forward to seeing him and rammed my mouth full of naughty stuff! Then my boyfriend returns home with a large pizza, large garlic bread and chips . . . . due to my mini binge i really didnt fancy any and made myself a shake instead.
Its a bit of a tough time at the moment with family for me and my OH but so many good things are happening or happened for 2010 already and the new slimmer me is deffinitely part of my 2010 goal
So today ladies is going to be a good day and i WILL be 100% !
Glugged half a litre of water already and have my shake to hand **mmm**
Chloe there is a pic in my album of the new hair..... like i say its nothing exciting
I have to grow it into the style i want now x
Becca, sorry to hear about the funeral yesterday. Hope your ok? (hugs) x
Vicky, how was day 3? x
All the other ladies, where are you? x
Yesterday i had an almighty headache, got home and had a bit of a blip and felt mega guilty.
My other half was due to be home by half four so i left work in time to be home the same time. When i got home i had a voicemail saying he had been called out so wouldnt be in till 8
Me being me got all emotional about it as i was looking forward to seeing him and rammed my mouth full of naughty stuff! Then my boyfriend returns home with a large pizza, large garlic bread and chips . . . . due to my mini binge i really didnt fancy any and made myself a shake instead.
Its a bit of a tough time at the moment with family for me and my OH but so many good things are happening or happened for 2010 already and the new slimmer me is deffinitely part of my 2010 goal
So today ladies is going to be a good day and i WILL be 100% !
Glugged half a litre of water already and have my shake to hand **mmm**
Chloe there is a pic in my album of the new hair..... like i say its nothing exciting
Becca, sorry to hear about the funeral yesterday. Hope your ok? (hugs) x
Vicky, how was day 3? x
All the other ladies, where are you? x