I simply click on the ticker from any of my posts, it opens up the "Ticker" and I can edit the weight.
Vicky, looks like Gilly is gone... at this stage looks like the team members are...
So still 6 and all to be Skinny Beatchs!!!!
Had the brick today... I'll soon have the mousse (1/2 banana 1/2 strawberry) and then, later on, when kids in bed, I'll have a bar (toffee) and a cuppa!!!!
I have to say this last week I've been brutal with water, I think I managed to drink 3 litres.... in 7 days...

Kirsti, from what I know, gum makes you hungry... so not sure if it's a good idea... I've a picture of me at my very worse in the kitchen, anytime I even think about eating, a look at the photo sorts me out!!!! +, I trew out all of my big clothes... so there is no way I'd put the weight back on AND have to buy more big clothes... saving now for the new skinny me!!!!
I hope to have lost 2 stones by Easter... and no choc eggs this year...:cry::cry::cry: