Not bad, house in bits as they're doing some work, dust everywhere, but don't mind too much as the end results will hopefully make it all worth it!!!!
I was asking about your weight as you hadn't updated your details and you're still showing as 206lbs, so wasn't sure about numbers...
Kids asleep, I'm eating a vanilla mousse and I still have the bar...
I normally have 2 meals late at night, something to look forward to, so now I'm putting the kettle on, so I'll have a

and the bar...
I love this diet as well, 3 years ago I done WW, it worked as well as I went from 16st to 14st and I never put it back on, and I had a baby and all after that, but it took so long and having to point everything was so frustrating, while with CD, I know what I can have and that's it... 25lbs to go, planning to go home around the 18th July, I hope to reach my goal then, as some of my friends that I haven't seen since I moved to Ireland remember me as I was then (10 stones!!!). And I was embarassed about my weight gain, as we've planned to meet up I didn't want to see funny looks, even if they wouldn't have meant it in a bad way, but if you see a person at 10 stones and then at 14... you will notice the difference!!!!!!