Hello Gill! Yes I watch Supersize, Superskinny sometimes, great programme. Also loving Colleen's real women too, their makeovers look amazing, would love to be made up and dressed by someone who knows what they're doing. I've not had the sleepy thing Gill though to be honest i'm always pretty shattered as have a pants shift system at work n on top of commuting it tires me out. I don't think CD has added to this in fact i've been thinking the last couple of days I feel like I have more energy. I totally agree on the feeling cold business though, the end of last week for a good three or four days I could not stop shivering! It felt like I was cold on the inside and hot showers, heating and warm clothes only slightly alleviated this. I'm feeling much better these last couple of days though and that's in general too. Could still really really eat a pizza or other such nice things, a lovely beef stew with dumplings would go down a treat right now! However I feel stronger and more able to cope with these feelings at the moment. My brother lives with me at the mo and i'm finding if I have my teatime shake before he gets in from work and cooks some rubbish for tea I don't fancy it as much. xx