awww Vicki

cant believe you are off too must be the saddest SB week ever, I hope all works out for you, ww, your leg and your training pop back from time to time would love to know how you are getting on

Eli well done for getting to dbl digits

and the shorter top, I keep picking up even longer ones lol not sure whats going on there

good luck for staying 100% till your daughters birthday, you can do it

I am still thinking about posting some really old pics and some from last year but yeah the ones from a few months ago are a big no no for now

Hayley hun where are you? how was weigh in?
Shantel sure you are doing brilliantly

hope uni is going well
my news for tooday, is I bought a pair of jeans in the tesco sale on mt second week into cd when I tried them I was gutted because there was no way they were doing up by almost a handspan |

a couple of weeks ago I got them on but by laying flat on my bed and really struggling lol (why do we even try lol) well of course I couldnt wear them let alone walk in them

but today du dud dud dud dud dahhhhh they fit

amd I'm wearing them woohoo, sadly they are not quite as nice as I thought they would be but they are little and on me woohoo
oh and I have no idea what team leader has to do, so dont really want to say I will do it, but am online everyday lol