Food Lover
Real Loser!!!
welcome back!!!! I think you should make sure never ever to leave us, when you do, you put on weight!!!! we're your lucky charms!!!!

fingers crossed for WI on Sunday...
Sharon, your WI was yesterday, how did it go???
Debs, is your WI always on a Friday? :cross::cross:... do you often buy from ebay? The other day I was browsing some bags and shoes and summer stuff on it, but how do you manage the sizes? and if these are wrong, do you send back???
PJ, how is the wedding stuff going? and did you ever post your dress, as I can't remember seeing it... and any news on the job front? you definitely going for the redundancy?
I started 1000 this week!!!! it's so hard!!!! once again, you're back thinking about food!!! as I now have breakfast and dinner + a salad at lunch!!!!
my WI is on Sunday, but I'm going out Saturday night, and I will be drinking something

and eating something as well :sign0007:, I'm afraid of the scales!!!!!!!!!! It's my birthday next week and this Saturday I'm going out with the girls, I had it planned since I started CD, but this doesn't stop me being afraid of putting on 10lbs in 1 night!!!!! The only good thing is that as I didn't have a drop of alcohol since the 15th Feb, 2 drinks and I'll be wasted!!!! so not too many calories for me!!!!
welcome back!!!! I think you should make sure never ever to leave us, when you do, you put on weight!!!! we're your lucky charms!!!!
Sharon, your WI was yesterday, how did it go???
Debs, is your WI always on a Friday? :cross::cross:... do you often buy from ebay? The other day I was browsing some bags and shoes and summer stuff on it, but how do you manage the sizes? and if these are wrong, do you send back???
PJ, how is the wedding stuff going? and did you ever post your dress, as I can't remember seeing it... and any news on the job front? you definitely going for the redundancy?

my WI is on Sunday, but I'm going out Saturday night, and I will be drinking something