I don't really have any tips cos we're as bad! When I move upto my house I'll be able to see how good/bad I am at it. X
Yeah exactly. You can't really go the full week on veg you bought on Monday. I'm like you , I pick up all sorts when in the supermarket! They put them at the end of aisles too, right in your face so you just can't miss the offers xIts so hard isn't it!? Especially when using fresh veg. You don't want to buy a week's worth of say, salad leaves because they'll go off but then popping in to buy said leaves results in picking at anything on offer too! Well, I know I do! Been very bored at wok, so have written up a food plan for the rest of this week and ideas for next week, then working out the shopping list from that and have told the boy to think of something too! On his day's off he'll eat like 5 meals a day!
Hi I no exactly where u r coming from. Both of us bring in a good wage but always seem to have no money. I do put some into savings but always end up dipping in to it. Plus I have 4 credit cards, a loan, 2 cars & a mortgage nvr mind the usual bills etc. have u tried using frozen veg? Some r ok when using in cooking wouldn't say for eating alone tho. I'm not as bad when OH us away working I can do a weekly shop for about £30.
Make a spreadsheet of monthly outgoings then u can see what u should have left & split this between savings & shops etc![]()
Aw Lily, I'm sorry to hear that
You know where you went wrong though and you came home and got straight back into it - always the hardest step I think!!
All you can do is take it one mouthful, one meal and one day at a time.
Maybe you need something to motivate yourself... something simple like saying you will buy something each time you lose 1/2 stone (has to be something you really want though!!) or even writing down all the reasons you want to lose weight... how it makes you feel when you don't.... how it makes you feel when you do... then reading it every time you have a wobbly moment? xx
I am skint also and planning on having minimal alcohol - might go to a christmas market tomorrow but will try to behave myself - the bank balance should take care of that anyway!
Food looks good - love that porridge is now a daily occurencexx