Gold Member
Shocking news - I actually went to the gym! I have bailed on Curves for ages now and there have been so many times where I've posted on here like "guys, I'm going to the gym tonight" and then never go but I actually went!
As mentioned previously I have re-joined Pure Gym with my friend. Its been so long that we were very unfit and didn't last long, but we went and that's what matters! 15 minutes on the cross trainer, 15 mins on the bike and then a 30 min walk home
I won't have time to go now til the weekend but I already feel better for it.
The last couple of weeks I've felt so bloated and tired and my depression/anxiety has definitely heightened. Its a vicious downward spiral eat>get sad>eat because sad> lie in bed because sad> sad for being lazy and so on. I'd even started getting migraines where I was dehydrated. But just from two days back on plan and a bit of exercise I feel a little better
If that isn't motivation to stay on plan I don't know what is.
So anyway, its weigh in tonight. Despite my good work since Monday, I know it isn't going to balance out the two weeks away from group celebrating the boyfriend's birthday and going off the rails but as I said at the beginning of the diary, I'm going to see this as my start weight and go from here.
My consultant has told me that because I still have my countdown, she wouldn't be able to reset the PDA until then and I'd have to pay an extra £10 for a new fresh book. So I guess my re-join plan isn't going to happen, so I'm just going to have to psychologically re join. Anyway sorry for the ramble, I'm a little hyper as my favourite festival has just announced the most perfect line up and I already have my tickets
Wednesday EE day
30g porridge (HEX A) made with water
1 tsp honey (1) and sweetener
2x tea with ss milk (1) and sweetener
Soup containing - potatoes, leeks (S) and onions (S)
Apple (S)
Mullerlight toffee yog
Jacket potato
Chilli inc- Quorn mince (S), onions (S), mushrooms (S), peppers (S), toms (S), puree (S), garlic (S), chilli (S), red kidney beans (S)
30g cheese (HEX A)
White kit kat chunky (14) for after weigh in!
Total syns: 16
As mentioned previously I have re-joined Pure Gym with my friend. Its been so long that we were very unfit and didn't last long, but we went and that's what matters! 15 minutes on the cross trainer, 15 mins on the bike and then a 30 min walk home
The last couple of weeks I've felt so bloated and tired and my depression/anxiety has definitely heightened. Its a vicious downward spiral eat>get sad>eat because sad> lie in bed because sad> sad for being lazy and so on. I'd even started getting migraines where I was dehydrated. But just from two days back on plan and a bit of exercise I feel a little better
So anyway, its weigh in tonight. Despite my good work since Monday, I know it isn't going to balance out the two weeks away from group celebrating the boyfriend's birthday and going off the rails but as I said at the beginning of the diary, I'm going to see this as my start weight and go from here.
My consultant has told me that because I still have my countdown, she wouldn't be able to reset the PDA until then and I'd have to pay an extra £10 for a new fresh book. So I guess my re-join plan isn't going to happen, so I'm just going to have to psychologically re join. Anyway sorry for the ramble, I'm a little hyper as my favourite festival has just announced the most perfect line up and I already have my tickets
Wednesday EE day
30g porridge (HEX A) made with water
1 tsp honey (1) and sweetener
2x tea with ss milk (1) and sweetener
Soup containing - potatoes, leeks (S) and onions (S)
Apple (S)
Mullerlight toffee yog
Jacket potato
Chilli inc- Quorn mince (S), onions (S), mushrooms (S), peppers (S), toms (S), puree (S), garlic (S), chilli (S), red kidney beans (S)
30g cheese (HEX A)
White kit kat chunky (14) for after weigh in!
Total syns: 16