Well done! I think 2lb is a good loss xx
thanks hun, you off all people know what I mean though!

I'm feeling ok, my anxiety is a little up and out to get me as things at work are all over the show so I'm a bit all over the place but as consultants always say - "what you eat can be the one thing you keep in control". I'm planning to do a standard EE week this week, with 5-10 syns a day. Nothing major happening to sabotage this week and have written out my plan.
On another note. I have seen a couple of people that are at target saying about how group is kind of sucking for them. I love my consultant to bits and although I can't relate to the whole target situ, there is one thing that really grinds my gears. I do red (original) days quite often as a way to boost losses and mix it up a bit. But everytime I mention them in group it gets frowned upon. Like I shouldn't really share it. No one in my group does it and sometime when someone is stuck, I recommend it. But it gets shunned. I told my consultant I was partly gutted because normally Red give me bigger losses but that I wouldn't be able to do another whole week of it and she was like "I would definitely just stick to EE". Weird eh?
Oh also I do shop at group and some dickhead is stealing stock! I feel so bad on my consultant, she said its been short the last few weeks but I hadn't noticed anything weird. Its been since we moved around the room and I think people are being sneaky. I just feel so bad for her, how can people be so mean!
ANYWAY, ramble over! Pretty simple day today, no time for prep last night so its a freezer special for dinner tonight. Was supposed to be going to a gig tonight but need to sort out the house before Kieran's return tomorrow!
Thursday EE Day:
Salted caramel hifi (HEX B)
Strawberries (SS)
Tesco chilli chicken (S) noodle s
alad (S) (2.5)
Apple (S)
Mullerlight vanilla
Fudge (5.5)
Chilli con carne (EL mince, c
hopped toms (S), puree (S), onions (S), peppers (S), mushrooms (S), chilli (S), red kidney beans (S))
Salad (S)
Total syns: 8