Here it is Susie I used spring onion and cherry tomatoes to reduce carb total.
1 aubergine sliced, 1 courgette, handful of sliced mushrooms, spring onion sliced, garlic clove chopped, 3 chopped cherry tomatoes
Fry aubergine and courgette in olive oil, remove from pan when nicely browned, cook garlic, onion, mushrooms and tomatoes,in olive oil, add salt, black pepper and oregano,
Layer aubergine and courgette in oven proof dish, add mozzarella cheese, add tomato mixture, add another layer of courgette and aubergine, add tomato mixture and mozzarella top with aubergine and cover with grated Parmesan, put in oven and cook til Parmesan is bubbling, yum yum
Probably not for induction, sorry, I got 3 servings at 9g of carbs. Daughter ate it and said it was like the food we ate on holiday in Greece