Slaj's diary

Oh S&V peanuts are yum - haven't had any for ages as I admit I was worried I'd overeat them.
I love all nuts, but try to keep to the natural ones, as u always over eat the others. I also love nut butter.
Hello all trying to keep away from nuts as once I start I find it hard to stop. Succumbed to an Atkins bar today at work just needed something crunchy and it was better than an iced donut!
Food today:
B cheese omelette with mayo
L courgette soup with side salad and olives and feta
T haddock , cabbage, broccoli and greens
S atkins bar, decaf coffee with cream later :)
Thanks ML, I am quite chuffed as there are so many cakes and biscuits in the office at the moment , it is hard to keep saying no when they are being offered!
Well done for resisting :)

You should see the bread selection here! I have to go past it with one eye closed!!

They also have a fantastic cheese selection so it evens out!!!

Managing to stay on track (except from over indulging in wine!!

My clothes feel looser! I would be soooo happy if I have lost weight here or at least maintained despite the wine.
Hello all just wanted to share my Aldi discovery! Golden omega milled linseed, 0.7g carbs per 30g serving and £1.99 for 250g bag,


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Gosh that aldi flax is about half the price of the health food shop one. Go aldi go.
I can't remember if it was you or Sammy who suggested the golden Virginia harvest flax btw but it looks much the same as that Aldi stuff. I got it last week and wow what a difference - the mim I made was much milder and more bread like than usual. It really was good stuff.
Morning all

Son was 17 yesterday , went out for meal had pesto crusted salmon with big salad, really enjoyed it, did have one glass of wine and slice of chocolate birthday cake , it isn't everyday your son is 17!
Not weighing myself until next week, that is very hard as I usually jump on scales every morning. Can't face them at the moment!
I agree wine shocked me over xmas and new year, didnt effect me at all, and hope you enjoyed that cake! Got a birthday party tomorrow so hoping to stick to low carb picky bits... Going to be a challenge, my great niece is 21, so bound to be a nice doo
Hi, glad you enjoyed the meal...17 don't they grow up fast.
Trying to get back in the zone have been wandering off plan for a few days and put on a couple of pesky pounds. Going to log food and carbs here this week.
B scrambled egg with 2 veggie hot dogs 6g
Happy birthday to your son Sandra. They grow up so quickly!

Love the sound of your bfast. Can't seem to find Sainsbury's brand veggie hotdogs anymore and off quorn after reading a few articles. :(
Morning all here's a little something to cheer us all up on a cold, damp grey day


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