Slim and Save for the second time


Gold Member
Hi *waves*

I think I have approximately 4000 diaries on here now. I joined nearly 3 years ago, lost 5 stone (70lbs!!) in about 8 months, maintained for roughly 18 months...then got pregnant and fully took advantage of eating for 2. I also have a little girl who turns 5 next week and I turn 30 at the end of the month. Eek!

My baby is 5 weeks old tomorrow and I'm no longer breastfeeding (hungriest boy ever!!) so have taken the plunge and come back to Slim and Save. I always said I would if I needed to. Last time I calorie counted, SnS'd, 5:2'd...anything it took basically. I think last time I managed 6 weeks and lost about 20lbs.

I've got about 30lbs to lose so I can get back into all my lovely clothes.

I have enough packs to get me through this week and have just placed an order for a months worth. I need the boost. So that's 5 weeks worth. Anything over a stone in that time would be amazing. Then I'll reassess and see what I need to do to get the rest off.

Today I feel positive and I know I need to do this, I hate the way I feel about myself right now. I'd got used to being slim and happy and feeling great and I want that back. I know it's quite soon after having a baby but I'm scared to leave it any longer in case the numbers start going back up again. Tiredness may be my enemy, I always want carbs when I'm tired but I just need to get through these first few days...oh today is day 2 :)

I'm planning on 3 packs and a low carb meal. Luckily my OH is a bit of a gym bunny so is happy to have high protein/low carb meals in the evening. I used to run 3 times a week, I do want to get back to that but need to find the time and energy.

A buddy or 2 would be great :) but will try to keep posting regardless. Will add a few pics in a mo.
Before and after

5 weeks ago

This time last year (birthday outfit)


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Day 3 Woop!

I'm feeling great today :)
Had a half decent sleep which always helps. By half decent I mean 3 and a half hours, followed by 2 and a half...followed by 1 :D it's ridiculous what becomes 'good'. When do babies sleep through again?! Ha ha.
I'm wondering if I'm in ketosis already, I'm all bouncy and stinky breathed. Lovely.

I'm already worrying about the weekend. So much of what we do to relax revolves around food. I'll figure it out though.

My delivery should be here between 12-1. I'm excited :D
Day 4. Not got this far for a while :)
Sneaky peek shows 5lbs off in 3 days. I know it's water but I do look and feel less bloated, my face is less puffy. Also doesn't seem unrealistic to hope for half a stone by WI on Tuesday which is a lovely start.
I'm over my weekend panic, I figure everywhere does a chicken salad. No excuses!!

I was worried about my energy levels doing this so soon but I have so much more energy! I'm not half dead by the evening, it's great. I'm also cooking more. Tonight I'm going to stick some chicken on skewers with pepper and mushrooms and have it with a rocket salad, OH will have pittas with his. Simples :)
Just had a choc caramel shake...heaven!! So yum. 6 will not be enough.
Day 4 done. Bring on the weekend. Eek!
Day 5 it day 6 now? Yay. We all went out for lunch. I had a chicken salad and really enjoyed it. I think my food was actually the nicest out of all of ours.

Also...Jonah has just slept for nearly 6 hours!! This is his first bottle since we came up to bed. He's normally every 3 hours, almost to the minute. I'm sure it's a fluke but it feels goooooood! I feel ready to get up :D this is the most sleep I've had in one block since he's been born. Yay.

Got OH's parents and nephew coming in the morning (well I guess it's in a few hours now!) hopefully they won't notice me not munching.

Hmm, he's fallen back to sleep after 2ozs, he'll probably try and fit his normal amount of bottles in now in the next couple of hours :D
Hey im here to follow you. Your before and after pictures are amazing what's your weight now??

Half a stone off. I'm disappointed. I know I shouldn't be.