Slim and Save newbie


Hi everyone, so I've just completed day 1 - I stuck to it all day, had the porridge for breakfast, bar for lunch, shake mid-afternoon, bolognese when I got in from work. No headaches which I expected, and I've drunk just under 2 litres of water.

I feel really guilty though as I had a really bad craving for toast...and had 2 pieces after my dinner :cry: so it may take me a day longer to get into ketosis...just ordered those ketostix off eBay so I'll have some sort of idea when I'm in it.

Made the porridge and it came out in clumps and mainly milk, anyone got any suggestions or does it just have to be stirred together really well?

Also, Coke I allowed a can or so a day, or is that likely to take me out of ketosis?

No lapses tomorrow, I'm determined.
Hi cerysmt, welcome to S&S, :welcome2: lots of support on here and tips etc.
I dont know about the porridge as i only have the bars and shakes so hopefully someone else will be able to help you out with that. I do have coke zero though and it doesnt seem to affect weight loss or ketosis for me. I did 4 weeks of exante before this and a lot of people that do that have the coke zero so I cant see why it would be any different on this. HTH.

Good luck :D
Welcome and good luck on ur journey. U have the right attitude forget about limitless bit extra today and get straight back into it tomor. I just slowly add milk to the porridge and mix it really well and it seems to come out fine- though I don't really like it. Have become obsessed with making it into oatmeal cookies.