Slim and save

Thankyou , so much for starting last week came down with horrible cold sore throat hot and cold sweats ached all over ? took me over a week to shake it off but feel a lot better and starting tomorrow have read the book got slim noodles and pasta oxo cubes cherry diet coke large mushrooms and a swede for chips !!! would like to loose as much as possible by Christmas are there any sugar free sweets we could have or chewing gum in between ?? X oh and got my jelly too lol xxx
Thankyou , so much for starting last week came down with horrible cold sore throat hot and cold sweats ached all over ? took me over a week to shake it off but feel a lot better and starting tomorrow have read the book got slim noodles and pasta oxo cubes cherry diet coke large mushrooms and a swede for chips !!! would like to loose as much as possible by Christmas are there any sugar free sweets we could have or chewing gum in between ?? X oh and got my jelly too lol xxx

Sorry to hear you were poorly!! You'll by feeling great in no time on this diet!! There's a weird euphoric buzz that comes out on a vlcd!!

Just a quickie-double check your diet cherry coke doesn't have citric acid. Coke zero and dr pepper zero are allowed because they don't have citric acid. It may knock you out of ketosis/prevent you going into it. Just thought I'd better mention it just incase hun!!

I haven't come across any sugar free sweets we can have as of yet, but you are allowed - this is from SnS - up to 2 pieces of sugar free chewing gum chewed for 30 seconds only in a day!!!
Very precise!! Ha ha!!
I usually have it if I'm going to be in close proximity to people and don't want my ketosis breath making them ill!!

Good luck hun, sounds like you're well prepared!!
What packs are you going to start with?!!

Morning Sammy just checked my cherry coke and yes it has citric acid in I'm sure I read on here somewhere it was ok ?!? And going to have my strawberry shake now I usually skip breakfast and lunch and just eat in evenings no good for you I know will let u know what I think have made jelly up and not quite sure for lunch seems strange I know but I'm abit nervous of the food pks haven't tried them yet for some reason I expected a little microwave meal not a packet thingy lol ARS there any tips on making them up ?? Xxx and thankyou for your support xxx
Well strawberry shake quite nice so that's a good start !! How long do u try and leave in between each meal and just read the slim noodles have a really bad fish smell which has put me off was thinking of adding them to a chilli for dinner ?!?x
Hi Celeste,

Diet Coke Cherry is a big no no it will knock you out of ketosis it's just Coke Zero and Dr Pepper Zero that's allowed, I was the same with Diet Irn bru cause I used to drink 2/3 cans a day but it's a big no no too so I had to switch to Dr Pepper :(

The noodles do have a smell when you open them but after a good rinse in warm water it goes away, personally I don't like them because they're a bit too crunchy for me :(

I have went off most of the mealpacks this time so I'm just sticking to 3 shakes and a protein meal at night x

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Hi Celeste, Diet Coke Cherry is a big no no it will knock you out of ketosis it's just Coke Zero and Dr Pepper Zero that's allowed, I was the same with Diet Irn bru cause I used to drink 2/3 cans a day but it's a big no no too so I had to switch to Dr Pepper :( The noodles do have a smell when you open them but after a good rinse in warm water it goes away, personally I don't like them because they're a bit too crunchy for me :( Tracyx

Aaaah I miss diet irn bru :( x
Yeah really really rinse the noodles!!

I try to leave 4 hours if I can - I have a pack at 10am, a pack at 2pm, a pack at 6pm and then my last one around 9pm before bed.

Before 10am I stick to water and tea and my usual hunger pang is around 4 where I'll have a jelly or a coke zero to tide me over!

The meal packs are strange, you stir it with some water, microwave, stir again and think my goodness this is very liquidy, microwave again and suddenly 'voila!' it's a meal! Ha ha!!

Good luck xx
Well so far so good thankyou both of you for all the tips so far the shakes I like are Coffee and strawberry shakes got the crispy ones to have not quite sure about them are they nice Shepards pie went down well with 200grams spinach , chilli nice too tonight I've just had spaghetti with a pack of slim pasta mixed in hope that's ok it was quite spicy !! And abit runny one more pack to have later might try a bar I didn't like any on other diet I'm hoping these are better xx
Yeah the rice and noodles have a. Strong smell as it's the starch. I bought a sieve and give them a good rinse under the tap and then they are just fine. Here's a tip, my other half mixes a teaspoon of bullion powder in his rice to make it savoury flavour. I use mine plain in my chilli as it's too hot for my tastes otherwise.
Well I had abit if coconut bar didn't like that so had a bit of lemon that was a no they have that chewy texture and aftertaste feeling disappointed could we replace one with an Akins coconut low carb bar I like those ???xx
Kuromi thanks for the tip will try that x also the mild curry us that a meal or just a sauce you put in your 150g veg anyone tried it ?? X and I wanted to change my profile add a photo etc how do I do that been trying to figure it out for couple if days now x
Celeste, Atkins bars are very hit and miss as they are full of sugar alcohols, some people are fine with them and others get kicked straight out of ketosis so it's like everything else you would need to try it out and see how you do.

I did think about trying them with the diet as i do like having a bars but then i though why pay 30+ pounds a week for packs if I'm going to eat Atkins bars!!, but they might be nice as the odd treat though.

Did you try ordering a few of the Slim and Saves wafers, i like the chocolate and the vanilla, they are very very sweet but you may prefer them to the bars but they still don't taste anywhere near as good as atkins coconut bars, they are like mini bounty's :)

At the minute I have been ok on 3 shakes and the protein meal as like you I'm not keen on any of the slim and save meal packs or bars :( x
Thanks Tracy just wish the bars didn't have that chewy texture ? I had a caramel shake for breakfast that was lovely the meal packs I've had so far have surprised me and mixed with slim pasta makes a good meal will try and leave the Akins bars for abit longer only in my first week but later on might try one it's just I have such a sweet tooth and miss abit of chocolate now and again so how are you doing on it I need to order more products this week and no haven't tried wafers do they replace a pack will defo put some on my order this week xx