Aww I agree with Sammy D dont listen too them you are completely correct in what you say that it is in fact how you live your life not just food wise but exercise too. These friends do sound jealous but it might be just maybe that they're feeling secretly demotivated at the moment with there own weightloss and to see you losing it what seems so rapidly to them makes them feel disheartened.
Your completely correct in what you say about vlcd there have been countless studies in fact a few recent studies have found a link between this and helping diabetes type 2 not just in weightloss but in symptoms as it promotes a lower carb diet eg less sugar.
The main thing is what you take away from the diet
Has it taught you about what foods you should eat and why?
Has it taught you that you dont need as much food as you thought you did?
Has it motivated you to want to keep the weight off and live a healthier lifestyle?
Has it already started to make you more healthier eg drink less alcohol move more etc
If yes to these questions then its the right diet for you as this is what a diet should do it should teach you restraint and see why you should make healthier choices.
Many people who complain about these diets are previous VLCDers themselves and because they failed put down other people who are trying to succeed remember its what you do for the rest of your life that matters not what you've done in the past month although it is fantastic and you should be extremely proud. Also you are not with them 24/7 so dont believe everything your told by them about how a diet should be whos to say what will be more successful if you and your friends all finish and go back to living unhealthier lifestyles then guess what they get the same results as you but you're now in the right frame of mind as you've previously stated not to go back to that so prove them wrong by maintaining your goal weight for years to come.

Sending good vibes your way:vibes: