I'm toying with the idea of only weighing once a month for the next couple of months... I'm thinking 1st November then 1st December, hopefully by 1st December I'll be at or around 10st 7lb so will move to fasting then anyway... I'm just sick of the scales, it seems like I'm wishing the days away coz I just want to get on them every morning and see a loss... I know the losses add up to huge ones over the week, but just seeing 1/4 - 3/4lb per day just doesn't have the same impact anymore, and God forbid I see a STS on the scales! That sends me into meltdown and I feel in a bad mood all day. I'm also going to stop logging exercise & packs onto MFP, I know this is a great habit to get into when I'm doing fasting, but I think it's just over complicating things at the minute, I know it works so there really is no need, it's just another thing that means all I seem to think about is what the scales will say! So, plan is tonight to move the scales out of the bathroom - if they're not there I won't feel the need to get on them every time I'm in there, which is exactly what I'm doing at the minute. I'm just hoping that by making it all a lot more simple (eat 3 packs, done) it'll seem like less of a chore... does that make sence?