Hi everyone, I have done Slimfast before, i was on it for a month and i lost a stone, it was the most successful i have been on a diet. I am 10st 8 at the moment and would like to get down to 9st or maybe 9st 7, see how it goes. This week i have lost 6lb, which i am really surprised at, as i drank loads of alcohol at the weekend. Im not sure how long i will be on this, as i am using up diet shakes i have and i have about another weeks worth of slimfast, then i will probably move onto slimmm shakes, which i have tons of, but i will post my weight next Monday, as it motivates me to stay on track.
Toxisgrl i found before on Slimfast that (healthy) snacking helps, as it fires up your metabolism, and also drinking water, which i really have to force myself to do. Good luck to everyone.
Toxisgrl i found before on Slimfast that (healthy) snacking helps, as it fires up your metabolism, and also drinking water, which i really have to force myself to do. Good luck to everyone.