Extra Easy Slimming to become a Mummy!

So I resisted temptation last night.. I have no idea how but now wish I just freaking had it. STS and I know I shouldn't be disappointed but I do wish I was just a little closer to my award. Not sure what more I could of done...the sweet urges were insane this week and I can't blame time of month as I've still managed to loss big on those weeks and I don't think it's time for that yet.

Guess I'll just have to keep going and see what happens next week.
Keep up the good work it's really hard isn't it when don't see a loss. Just think you could quite easily cheat or you could have a fantastic week next week. Remeber aswell you may have lossed inches instead

Your doin fab
I always find the night after a dodgy weigh in I beat myself up then I wake up ready to kick ass.

Our consultant also corrected the evil one in regards to Mrs' biggest lost. I found it hilarious, she didn't direct it at anyone as I never told her who said it etc but just the wink she threw us after I could have burst! Then she messages me on Instagram not long ago to see if I had calmed down a little... yeah having her follow me can be interesting haha,
Just gone back through your thread to find out what happened. Wow what a... I can't think of a polite way to put it. Meh makes me even more glad your wife got woman of the year (I got that a few years back too, came up on my time hop with a picture of me at target... was an awful picture but did help to inspire me to make sure I get back there) some people always have to tear others down... you get them in all walks of life and unfortunately a slimming group is the perfect place for those types of people. Yes most people there are supportive and know we're all in the same boat, but people are also insecure and so you are bound to get the types who want to pull others down. It's so sad, but focus on the good people in your group and although you don't like making a fuss, make sure you do tell your consultant when someone makes a comment even if you wait until after they've gone or message after the group as you shouldn't be feeling like you need to change groups because of one person.
I had a lovely rant on Instagram knowing my consultant would read it. She nipped it in the bud thankfully.

Feeling a gain coming my way this week already soooo off plan. Going to weigh and stray at a different group as we are house sitting and i know we will be on plan whilst there as long as they dont leave any naughties hahaha.